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Hi everyone... Arrived in melbourne November 2010, now renting a house in sandringham. All going well apart from my son who is 19 meeting some friends. He did make friends whilst we were in temp accommodation in south yarra but I'd feel happier if he didn't need to catch train every night to meet up with them. My husband and I would also like to meet up with other Brits in this area for networking if anyone fancies sharing stories.


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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Why don't you check the PIO Victoria section, just go into the orange FORUMS box top left and scroll down to Victoria and see if there is any meet ups, best of luck.

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Hi I don't know if it's of any use but I came across a website called meetup.com which lists loads of different types of social groups, including for younger people. There are pages of them and some of them are er, alternative shall we say, but there does look to be some that look good, so may be worth investigating. Hope you get sorted soon.


Have just decided to post the website as it may be of interest to others - you never know!

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