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Irish in Perth


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Hi Folks,


Hoping there are some irish people on this site living in Perth. I have started the visa process but have doubts on whether moving is the right thing to do. Married, daughter, house, leaving family behind, fear of making a mistake - all the usual stuff which I am sure you have all gone through. Is the grass greener?


I am considering Perth and would love to hear from Irish living in Perth.


I know the weather is beautiful as is the country, but I'd like to hear stories of how you found the move and how you settled.


If you are not in Perth, but in another city / area and from Ireland I'd also love to hear from you.



Looking forward to reading some posts.



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Hi CazBob,


Thanks for replying. I don't have any really specific questions, just looking for peoples experiences.


I have read a lot anything from people thinking it is next to paradise to others hating Perth (I know there will always be one or two).


I heard there is a snobbery in Australians making it difficult for people to get a job.


It's easy to understand the weather and know about the dangerous animals etc ..... it's the other real experiences I'd like to know about.


Why did you go to Oz?


I have a house and a family - so I'd be uprooting everything and selling the family home. So I really need to do my homework.




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Initially i went on a working holiday visa as it's the done thing to take a year out during the hard slog of studying to be an architect - i went to gain work experience and visit my brothers primarily (2 live there permanently with wives and families) and then I did a bit of travelling too.


I really did love the place, enjoyed the lifestyle, the people, the work etc - it's a different mentality, you work to live not live to work!


i think if the situation was different in Ireland at the minute and if i could find a job here i'd stay but there's no work for architects unless you're willing to be a dogs-body and/or work for nothing or work for your dole payment in order to gain experience!


the place i worked during my year out in Adelaide have offered me a job and are sponsoring me to come back so it's a no brainer: why would i stay here when i have the opportunity to work in Oz for 4 years, gain experience that's better than anything i'd gain here and i'll get to have the lifestyle along with it!?!


now i don't have a house or kids or any of that so it's just me and my boyfriend going over so i'm uprooting a lot less and taking far less of a risk than you so i think you've hit it on he head when you say you need to do the homework - talking to some of the families on the Irish thread will certainly give you a better idea of what it's like to uproot the family and start afresh without the support system you have at home but you have to think further into the future as well.... do you want your children to grow up in the mud and mire here or give them the opportunity for so much more in Oz?


i think the move is also what you make of it - you need to go into the whole process with open eyes, open ears and an open heart and give it a fair bash and roll with the good and the bad (because there will definitely be both)... it's by no means an easy ride but if it's what you really want then go for it!



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