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Guest AimeeLT

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Guest AimeeLT

Well about three months ago i said id keep everyone up to date about my journey in oz and thus far i have completely failed at doing so! my good friend luke told me i hadnt been doing my duty so here i go. Ive been at school ( highschool ) that is for three weeks .


So we arrived in Australia on the 28th of june. We first went to a suburb in sydney where we soon discovered it was just to far from the sea so we picked up our stuff and we were on the move again. I am now at a school on the northern beaches in sydney.


First of all id like to make it quite clear, its not an easy transsion, you need to be strong. But everytime i feel home sick I look out my window and see the sea and i know that as soon as everything starts to click i know there isnt a better place in the world.


Now i will talk about the dreaded highschool.


My first day was to say the least terrifying but everyone is so friendly. I go to a private co- ed school and i havent had a problem yet. Of course its tough and im sure its going to take me a couple of months before i feel fully settled but Im in a group of nice girls and the guys are all really nice. An english girl came to the school a few weeks before me and we both said how if a new person came to an english school you would say hey and think nothing else of it. Here if you need help people will help, everyone gives you the option of joining there group. If i have misled you to think they are all your friends straight away well im sorry as like anything else it takes time and work. But i have found even still as the new english girl that people are inviting me out all the time. I have to push myself but im very hopeful that everything will be alright. Its hard without family but i still keep in touch with everyone and my friends ahve been amazingly supportive.


Dont be scared to try the unknown as it can only make you a stronger person.


This is my final post. Hope this helps your fears.


Good luck everyone.


Aimee :cute:

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Good friend, Aimee? You're in Sydney, banana bender :biglaugh:


Just kidding. You're braver than I. I'm too old to go back to school. I mean, I've looked at the prospectuses and stuff 'cos we're probably sending my brother back to school when he gets here and the stuff you can do at high school is far more exciting than anything you could do at high school in England!!?


I mean, come on, ROBOTICS at high school! How awesome is that?! There'd be some kinda health and safety thing against that in England... gotta wait for Uni for all that stuff in England!! :eek:

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