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Opposition to Slash Migration Numbers if Elected

George Lombard

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See story below. I would expect Gillard to shadow Abbott's moves on immigration and given its status as an entree to MasterChef tonight I expect they'll be striving for effect if they get onto that topic in the leaders debate. A lot of things said during election campaigns are later forgotten, but if they both put numbers on the extent of the reduction that might make it very difficult to unsay. The very sad part about this kind of xenophobic auction is that Australia's prosperity - and survival of the GFC - is tied to maintaining sensible levels of net immigration. Going down the path suggested will make Australia more like New Zealand and Ireland. However if this story is just kite flying - testing the effect of a policy before announcing it - then I think every participant on this and every other forum should be letting Tony Abbott know what they think about it.




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Coalition to cut migrant numbers




July 25, 2010


The Coalition is preparing to announce dramatic cuts to the migration program as it seeks to outmanoeuvre the government on population and immigration.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is due to make a major announcement on immigration as early as today and is believed to be considering cuts of more than 110,000 places a year - most from the skilled migration program.

''There will be a substantial reduction and that figure has been mentioned several times,'' a senior campaign strategist told The Sun-Herald.

Another insider said the timing of the announcement was still being worked on but it was possible Mr Abbott would nominate the figure as soon as tonight in the debate with Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

Naming the figure would play to voters' concerns that Labor is not prepared to back its statements on population with action, another strategist said.

''Julia Gillard is dog whistling, making tough noises, but won't name any figures. What we're picking up is: it's tough noises but there's no action to back it up. There's not even a substantial review,'' a senior Liberal Party player said.

Liberal strategists believe a commitment to cut immigration would be controversial but help the Coalition's election chances.

''We're certainly picking up that Labor is absolutely vulnerable on this,'' one strategist said.

But it would anger business, which says it needs immigration in order to keep up productivity.

Polling for both parties shows people in crucial outer metropolitan seats are particularly worried about population and immigration, and see the issues as linked.

Sustainable Population Minister Tony Burke said yesterday people needed to concentrate on the distribution of Australia's population.

''One of the problems years ago when it was first tried was decentralisation meant going to areas where there weren't jobs,'' Mr Burke said.

''That has now changed. The mining boom means that in the regions there are jobs, and broadband being rolled out around the country takes away the tyranny of distance for a whole lot of other industries as well.''

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison would not comment on a specific reduction in numbers but said the size of the immigration program had to be addressed.

''There's only one lever left to pull. That's [immigration] the only thing that will make a difference,'' Mr Morrison said.

Mr Abbott spent yesterday in Perth and Kalgoorlie, where he continued to highlight concerns about asylum seekers and the mining tax.

Despite Labor's strong showing in the opinion polls, party officials are concerned about its support in Queensland and Western Australia.

Mr Abbott announced $50 million for communities to install security cameras to prevent crime.





Federal Election | Abbott keen to cut migration

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