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Property Industry Propaganda & Analysis


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'Affordability crisis' a housing industry fiction. WHEN the Housing Industry Association published the May edition of its quarterly work of fiction, the Housing Affordability Index, media outlets printed the data without hesitation.


This instant recycling of propaganda is what passes for journalism these days. The political outpourings of developer lobby groups are presented to the public as fact. There is no scrutiny, no checking, no asking of pertinent questions.


Any half-switched-on journalist would look at the figures that make up this bogus index and see that they're nonsense.


I think also the industry i.e. real estate, media, banks etc. have been guilty of encouraging what is known in hospitality as "upselling", i.e. encouraging the buying of something more expensive, earlier or extra than originally planned by panicking people, confusing them about high median versus lower average prices etc..... means those in selling side all benefit....




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