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hi everyone, does anyone know if you have a ccj in queensland how that affects you in nsw.my son lived in qld some years ago, wants to return to oz,possibly nsw,but is unsure how the ccj will affect him if he returns.any help would be greatly appreciated:confused:

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Guest proud2beaussie

Depends on how many years ago it was,anything over 7 years has probably been written off and may not be on his credit file,be aware that the Australian credit reference system is national so moving interstate doesn't mean that a bad payment record or a default won't be checked.

He can obtain a copy of his credit file by going to this site:


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Guest proud2beaussie

Australia has a national system so there is no such thing as a "state" credit file,and as far as I am aware (I may be wrong,best to contact the company I provided the link to) bad payments etc or judgements only stay on your credit file for 7 years,but as I said I may be wrong about that and I'm happy to be corrected if I am.

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Hope this helps you out



So, you can’t pay that $5,000 on your credit card. Or you’ve missed your mortgage payment for the third time in three months. How long will it haunt your credit record? The official answer is five years – seven if you’re a bankrupt.

Most people worry about these black marks hanging around forever. The truth is that payment defaults stay on your credit file for five years and then the slate is automatically wiped clean.


Bankruptcy is only listed for seven years but the credit ramifications are enormous – your name is forever on the public record with the Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia and your ability to borrow money or buy things on credit will be severely limited.

Credit records provide lenders with a look at your credit history – including loan defaults, applications for credit, court judgements and serious credit infringements – to give them an idea of your ability to repay.


Identity Fraud costs the community $2.2 billion a year. Read more about avoiding being a target of fraud. In its simplest form, an individual’s personal details are “stolen” and used to gain credit – either cash or goods and services.

The upshot is that the individual is left with a potential liability for the debt, a damaged credit reputation and the inconvenience of amending a corrupted credit file.

Protection is the best deterrent, so make sure you know what is on your credit file by requesting a free copy from Veda Advantage.

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i suppose i should also be asking if he cant afford to pay the debt what are the legal ramifications if the creditor catches up with him


very easy to say,but if he is worried about it he should contact them, rather than waiting for them to contact him....


If he can make a settlement figure all the better some companies will take a small bulk amount rather than chasing a debt, if he cant do that he needs to look at what he can afford to pay weekly, monthly until the debt is clear

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