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Those who moved to Perth in the last 12 months


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Hi Amy!


Thanks for your reply, it sounds like you are both getting there. To already have sorted out a job for one of you and somewhere to live is half the battle I think and 6 weeks is not long at all. I'm sure you will find a job as well soon.


Its all starting to feel very real to us now, we've known for ages that we're moving out but now we're getting into the logistics of packing and arranging times to say goodbye to people it suddenly seems like we have so much to do! We're going to be leaving the UK at the end of March (as long as the visas come through ok) and then heading to south america for a 4 week trip (yet another thing to plan, still haven't even worked out where we are going there yet!) so we should arrive in Perth on or about the 1st May. I expect the weather might have cooled down with you by then, so hoping it wont be too much of a shock to our systems, we've had such a cold winter here.


We visited Perth briefly about a year and a half ago and liked Claremont, Fremantle, and Cottesloe (although I know that's an expensive area) so will probably look to rent somewhere around those areas. I cant drive yet so being able to get into Perth easily on the train would be very helpful. It would be great to meet up with you guys when we finally arrive, take care Katie x


Hi Katie,


Thanks for your reply, yes all the areas you mentioned are great to live in - we love them all! And all on the fremantle train line, which as you say makes it so easy to get into Perth.


Paul and I also did some travelling before settling, although ours was just the round trip around Oz for 3 months as Paul had never been before so I wanted to show him some highlights! South America sounds fab!


Yes please keep in touch, it sounds like you will be local to us when you do arrive, drinks in Freo to celebrate! Dont know if you use Facebook much but Im on there much more than here if thats easier Im Amy Lloyd and the picture is me (Blonde girl) in wedding dress!


Anyway, good luck and hopefully speak soon!


Amy xx

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