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Rememeber whats important in life!


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Once upon a time there was a philosophy professor. One day he decided to teach his class a bit differently, he decided to teach them a life lesson. So when the class began, he took a big, big jar and wordlessly began to fill the jar with rocks, each one a couple of inches in diameter. He asked the class if the jar was full? They said 'yes'.


He picked up a box of pebbles and poured then into the jar. He shook the jar lightly and the pebbles fell through and filled up the gaps between the rocks. He asked the class if the jar was full? They said 'yes'.


He picked up a small bag of sand and poured it into the jar. He gently shook the jar and the sand fell through and settled where there was space between the rocks and the pebbles. He asked the class if the jar was full? The said 'yes'.


Now they were fascinated. He knew he had them.


So he took two bottles of beer from under the table, opened them and carefully poured each into the jar. Of course, the sand absorbed the beer.......and at last the jar was full. All the students laughed. Once the laughter stopped, the professor calmly and quietly began talking. Everyone in the classroom was hyonotised by his display.


"This jar represents your life. The rocks are the most important things: family, children, your health, your partner. If everything was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full."


There was silence in the room.


"The pebbles are the pretty important things. Your job, your house, your car. The sand is everthing else. The small stuff. The stuff that doesn't matter."


"If you put the sand into the jar first, there would be no room for the pebbles and the rocks. The same is true for youe life. If you spend all your time and energy worrying about the small stuff, you will never have time for anything else".


He paused and looked around. There was nothing but silence, so he continued.


"Happiness is paramount in life. And so you must pay attention to the big things that give you the most happiness. Play with your children. Take time to go to the doctors when you don't feel well, go out dancing with your friends and your partner. If you do this, there will always be time to go to work, to clean the house, to deal with these kind of things".


"ALWAYS take care of the rocks first, the things that really matter. Set your priorites. The rest is just sand".


One of the students raised her hand and asked what the beer was all about.


Now it was the professor's turn to smile.


"I'm glad you noticed that. Remember this: Now matter how full your life is and how much you have to deal with and how much you may think you have to do, there will always be room for a couple of beers".


Hope this makes all PIO peeps feel a bit better when things get us down on our journey to OZ!!!

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Guest kdal

arrrrrr thanks for sharing that with us it's a fab! Especially the ending :biglaugh:

When we got married the vicar gave us a little talk and he put things somewhere in the line of your reading and he said never forget always make time for yourselves and go out at least once in a month to remember who you are!

And we do



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Guest Nelson

Good to read on Monday morning when the sun's not shining and I'm about to leave for work! Thanks for that!

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