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travel cots, any recommendations?


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Hi, we are moving to Perth next March with our 4yr old little girl and 5mth (ish) old baby by then. I am planning to get readybeds for us and my daughter to see us through whilst our stuff is being shipped but can anyone recommend a lightweight good travel cot for the baby? I have been looking at the pop up ones because of the weight and size when its folded mainly but open to anything! The only thing I'm worried about is the mattress as baby will need to use it for a while in the UK and in WA.

Cheers, Sarah xx

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Guest shawgorbys

Hi sarah my brother has one and its great it fits in a bag and she sleeps well in it well she did at our house you can allways put a towel underneath mattress for a bit more comfort so good luck with it all take care Andrea&family x

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Guest Paula125

We bought a samsonite pop up cot before we came over for use at my mum and dad's before leaving and then for hotels on the journey over.

We've had loads of use out of it for our youngest son too.

For times when it was used a lot we folded a blanket and used that along with the mattress.

The picture is a bit deceptive as the cot is much bigger than it looks and there's heaps of room but it folds down into a handy little bag for traveling. I will say though, when it's new, there's a bit of a knack to getting it folded down lol! But once you get used to it it goes down no problem.


You can get them no problem on ebay.

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Guest shawgorbys

hi paula thats a good one everything is so much nicer now when i had my twins 15yrs ago everything was big now its all bright &small take care andrea&family x

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Guest Paula125

Shawgorbys, I have two older boys too, one is almost 16 and the other has just turned 14. I remember what things were like when I had them.


The 'travel' cot I had for them was enormous and the smallest buggy you could get was an umbrella fold stroller lol!


Now I you can get a tiny cot that will travel across to the other side of the world no problem and we also bought a Quinny Zapp buggy for traveling over here because it was so small, you don't even need to put it in the boot of the car, it fits in the footwell behind the front seat.

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Guest Beastiemum

Definately agree with the Quinny Zapp idea - we have one and will be bringing it out with us when (and if still) we sort out to come over. Travel cots are a pain but we changed from the old style big heavy one with first DD to a little life tent style one - Arc 2 - whihc packs down to a small messenger bag size and only weighs a kilo or so.


Look at www.littletrekkers.co.uk for them - Nomad also do a similar one which is a bit more pricey but the mattress might be a tad better. LIke the suggestion above though - you can also pad further underneath and our one loves hers (now 21 months so we're now into first ready bed and her big sister has the next size too) - if you like the look of them, PM me as we'll be selling ours!


HOpe this helps - not sure if the pop up ones would be big enough for a growing 6 month old? Have one of those too and I could check the measurements for you if you want?

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Guest Paula125

Beastiemum, the pop up one I have is surprisingly big. It would do a toddler up to about 18 months.


Have to ask.....where abouts in Scotland are you?

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Guest Beastiemum

Stirling way. Work in Glasgow though? Were you from Scotland before you made the move?


Think our little life pop up must be small then - very much mosed basket size? pops down (if you can ever work it out!!) to a dinner plate size?

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Guest Paula125

I'm originally from Fort William, been in Tasmania for three years now.


Just checked the folded dimension on the travel cot we have and they're L62 x W36 x D11 and it weighs about 3kgs although definately doesn't feel that heavy.

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Guest Beastiemum

Sounds similar - possibly just that our DD2 was (is) a complete loon and her big ister taught her very early to wrigle around and once crawling I didn't feel the pop up was secure enough as she would flip it over!!


Fort William I know pretty well actually - holidayed up there for years out near loch Ailort and still remember fondly having lucnh upstairs in Nevi Sport in the cafe :)


How old were your kiddies when you moved? Getting anxious about the practicalities of moving with a just 2 and a 4 1/2 yr olds but I'm sure we wouldn't be the first! Think it'll be Sudney or Melbourne for us and hopefully both me and OH will be on a 457 sponsored visa which should give us some help from the employers but not sure - childcare is now my current stress issue :)

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Guest Paula125

There's been quite a lot of change in and around Fort William both just before we left and since then I think.....my family are still there so I get to hear most of the gossip.


My oldest was 12.5, son number 2 was 3 weeks away from his 11th birthday and sn number 3 was only 19 weeks old.


I have a friend from Fort William who also lives in Tassie. She was back in the Fort for a holiday just a few weeks ago and her youngest is just 18 months. She did say it was a bit of a nightmare but having husband there definately made a difference when travelling.

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