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Newbie & has anyone got in with Arthiritis?


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Firstly Hiya to everyone :jiggy: as I am new to this site.


Thought I's start the ball rolling by asking for advice already.


We are applying for 136 visa via my husband's occupation and are due to go for medicals on Wednesday. Our situation is that I have had Arthritis for 19 years (only 35yrs old now so started with it young). Other than the my fingers looking abit crooked (in my eyes anyway!), you would not know I had the disease. I have two children under 2yrs (21mths & 6 mths old) which is demanding in itself, I have worked for the same company for 19 years & have never had a day off sick due to my illness.


In the later stages of my 2nd pregnancy, my arthritis flared up in my hip, but subsided again once my son was born. As a result my consultant sent me for an MRI scan at the beginning of the year & I have recently had a bone density scan. Now that I have completed my family, I am in the process of changing my medication & will require monthly blood tests.


The most recent consultants note to the GP which I will be taking to the medical, details the above & I am worried that all this recent activity will go against me.


My consultant has now re-diagnosed me (after 19 years) as having Primary Inflammatory Arthritis instaed of Rhumatoid, which he tells me is a better diagnosis.


Everyone I have ever spoken to who is in the know tells me not to worry, but it is easier said than done & I have never actually spoken to anyone with the same condition who has been accepted.


I have searched the site for topics on this subject & although they have reassured me a bit, I would be grateful for any other reassurance anyone can give me.



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Hi Liz Hun,


Well to start off with welcome to PIO which is a fab forum full of lovely wonderful people with great brains to pick, we are all like one big family :biggrin:


I dont have same condition as you but may be of help, I am 32, i have crohn's Disease and have to wear a Stoma Bag for my Bowels 24/7, i order my prescription every month for my medical stuff which if i paid for it myself will cost approx £66. We had our medicals for our 457 visa last september and i asked panel doctor if he thought i would have a problem getting visa approval due to my condition if i put on my visa application form that my medical product will be self funded and he said it shouldnt be a problem but couldnt guarantee it, he has no pose of risk with my health for going out to Oz.


The sponsor we had when we had our medicals fell through this month due to immigration monitoring problems (not us) and was told medicals are valid for 12 months so we have to find another sponsor and get visa decision by 25th September this years as that is the 12 months expiry, hoping to hear from a company this week for another sponsor and get ball rolling. Now i emailed LCU in oz enquiring how far medicals have got in the processing of them and i got a reply to say they have been processed and finalized and are just awaiting on going to a case officer as soon as our visa application goes in again then immi can make a decision then on if they are happy with me paying for my own medical stuff in oz. with being sponsorship 457 visa it takes between 4-8 weeks to process and make decision but ours should take a little quicker due to medicals already finalized etc so as soon as i hear anything about visa i will let you know then you will know if ours was approved even with the severity of my condition.


I am not ill or anything with it anymore as had 2 major operations to clear it but will have the bag for rest of my life. If i can get visa approval then you most definately will hun so dont worry and think positive cos thats what i am doing to get through it :jiggy: :yes:


If you want anymore info just ask and i will try to answer them.



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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Liz and welcome to PiO


Panel Doctors generally have a pretty shrewd idea of who will be OK on the meds and who won't be.


If you explain that you really do need the doctor's best guess, he or she would ahve to be well mean not to help out. However, Panel Doctors do NOT make the decision. The Medical Officer of the Commonwealth alone does that, out in Australia.


If you have an up to date report from your Consultant (ie your GP has, with the new diagnosis) get that off the GP without fail and take it with you to the meds, to give to the Panel Doctor. If you don't produce it up front, the MOC is likely to ask for it anyway.


Good luck honey, and please let us know how it goes on Wednesday





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Well, we had medicals today & they were a lot thorough than I was expecting.


You would have thought I was bionic the way I bounced into the doctors office, I was determined to prove that my arthritis isn't an issue.


Anyway, I was reassured with your post Lynne and took your advice Gill so many thanks.


He told me he would need to obtain a prognosis report from my consultant & that was routine, but to be honest I was expecting that.


Whilst he obviously couldn't tell me the result of my medical, he did comment on how I seemed to just get on with things and didn't appear to let my disease hinder me in anyway. Overall his comments were very positive & I came out feeling the same.


I just hope now that my consultant is quick to respond to his request because all this waitin is killin us !!!!!



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