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Guest heather

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Guest heather

Just the site I have been looking for. Can anyone help? We are just about to send my partners docs off to get his trade recognised. He has been self employed for 16 years so we have had to pro :D ve this with references, sworne delclarations etc. Has anyone had experience of this as I desperatly want to get it right. I have all the details from the TRA web site buts its still a worry. I am not using an agent due to costs, so I hope to get it right first time. My partner is an upholsterer which is on the skills shortage list. Thanks in advance for any help or advice.



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Hi ya when we applied my partner was in the same position self employeed brickied, companies had gone bust etc etc, you need to make you statments etc on a form "Statory Declaration" which has to be signed and witnessed by a solicitor, this is what we done and we used a agency, if you need a copy sent to ya, leave your email and I will send a copy of the one we used. Also can you confirm the address to which you send all your documents to in relation to getting a trade recognised? much appreicated it for a friend who is going to make his application without using an agency.

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Guest heather

Hi Bet


Thanks for the speedy reply. We just had everything witnessed yesterday by our solicitor. I just want to be 100% everything is Ok before I send it off. How long did the TRA take, are you in Oz now and I will find the address for the TRA and e-mail it to you tomorrow. The details are on the http://www.imii.gov.au if you need it before. You need to down load the application form and fill that in if they need to do it.




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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Jo_Neil

Hi we are using Visa-Go Agency & they have been great (so far) they advised us what the TRA are looking for with regards to work References, they do need information to be written a certain way, like you're writing it for an idiot so to speak, signatures have to be clear, all tools listed, duties were etc etc! My husbands a Self-employed Electrician & we had to get References from all his employers which wasn't 2 bad as we e-mailed them which saved time. Only just sent all the documents off 2 the TRA a few weeks ago & have received acknowledgment to say that it could take up2 3 months! Have just signed the visa application & r sending it back 2 agency but can't do anything with that until we get the TRA result! So will have 2 b patient I suppose.


If any1 has had positive/Negative result from TRA would appreciate info?



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Hi ya, yes we were quoted 3 months for our TRA application to come back took about 6 weeks, i think it depends on the demand at he mo, hopefully they will get it back to you asap. :D Atleast you are doing the right thing by getting you DIMIA application all set up and ready, then once you get your TRA ref back you can get you main application send of straight away :D:D and then its just a waiting game, our decision took 8 weeks from date all DIMA paperwork sent, and we are leaving from Maidstone to Melbourne Jan 06, can't wait :D:D:D Good luck :P

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Guest Jo_Neil

Hi Bet thanks, hope the TRA are that quick for us? :D Really worried about the result but as we've been using an agent we can blame them if it all goes pete tong! :lol:

We are in Sheppey not far from you! :lol:

Sounds like the whole process has been really quick for you? :D When do you have to validate your visa, is it so many months after the medicals are done? Do you mind me asking where you went for yours? As have seen there is one in Dover but would have to get x-rays done elsewhere :roll: So I guess London would be the next place. Was wondering if the whole family have to validate theirs or if its just the main visa applicant who can? :?


Anyway sorry 4 soo many questions :)



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Hi, once you get the big "yes you have been accepted" :D you have to send you passport to the London Auz Embassy where they attach the visa, Mark (the main applicat) and me both had to have our validated, we need to be in Auz before 31/03/2006 with Mark entering before me.


We had our medical and Xrays done in Dover, there only is one place that does them in dover, he was a bit weird, but got our meds processed really quickly.


Good luck

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Guest Steve G

Hi Guys!! 3.gif



I am just about to send off all my documentation but I am a bit confused as to how I pay the TRA. On the form it says " All such payments must be drawn on an Australian bank (eg. ANZ, CBA, NAB, WBC)"


The TRA website isn't working at the moment so any help you can give me would be much appreciated!! :? :? :? :? :lol: :lol:

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Guest Katie
Hi ya when we applied my partner was in the same position self employeed brickied, companies had gone bust etc etc, you need to make you statments etc on a form "Statory Declaration" which has to be signed and witnessed by a solicitor, this is what we done and we used a agency, if you need a copy sent to ya, leave your email and I will send a copy of the one we used. Also can you confirm the address to which you send all your documents to in relation to getting a trade recognised? much appreicated it for a friend who is going to make his application without using an agency.


Hi Bet


Could you send me a copy as well? My e-mail address is: kolhce@yahoo.co.uk

Many thanks.



Katie :)

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You need to get your bank to oder you a cheque in Auzie dollars, generally takes about 5 days from ordering, I think we were charged about £7 by the Halifax. I think they take money from your account and use a worldwide company????? Hope this helps good luck on a positive result :D:D

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Guest Steve G
You need to get your bank to oder you a cheque in Auzie dollars, generally takes about 5 days from ordering, I think we were charged about £7 by the Halifax. I think they take money from your account and use a worldwide company????? Hope this helps good luck on a positive result :D:D



Thanks Bet - Halifax it is then!! 2.gif

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Guest heather

Hi Steve


I sent off my partners stuff on 12th July to the TRA. I went to my bank to get an international money order and they told me they had stopped doing them!! I went to the post off and they told me that travellers cheques are the same thing so that is what I sent. I then went into a panic as after I had sent the info off, I was browsing the http://www.immi.gov.au web site to find out their charges and they said do not send travellers chques. Great, so I e-mail the TRA who were great. The e-mailed back the next day saying they had received Marks application on the 19th July and do not normally accept travellers cheques but on this occasion they would. We received a letter yesterday from them saying the application is being processed and they have accepted our payment. Don't know if they just felt sorry for us but I was relieved. The TRA have answered a few questions for me and have been really helpgul. Good luck

Heather ( with everything crossed for a sucessful outcome) :P

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Guest Katie



I suppose TRA wouldn't accept a personal cheque from an Oz bank, would they? Tell me if I'm wrong!

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Guest Katie
Hi Katie


This is the e-mail address to ask them if they will take that type of cheque. If you e-mail them today, they may come back to you by the morning






Thanks Heather. :) I'll do that!

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  • 9 months later...
Guest denise milligan

Hi there


My husband is a self employed plasterer (20yrs+) and we have to complete the TRA. I got the forms today from our migration consultant and I already feel panic rising as I do all the paperwork and don't know where to start. Most of his previous employers have dissapeared.


Would really appreciate whatever advice you can offer as it looks like you only get one chance at this.





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