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Saying Hello

Miss Jilly

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G'day everyone.

I have lived in Australia since 1986. Firstly in Perth, then Queensland, then Tasmania and currently Mid North Coast NSW, where we have the best weather and lovely beaches and countryside.


I worked as a registered nurse in psychiatry in units and as a case manager in the community. I retired 4 years ago.


We have a 25acre property and save brumbies which are Australian wild horses, just wild about us and titbits now.


I would be glad to help anyone out if you have any queries about Australia. :wub:

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Hi Miss Jilly,


it is so nice to read your thread, you seem to be a great person.

Would it be possible to have email-contact with you?

We have,




Wish you a great day in Oz and we are looking forward to hear from you,


Karina and Andi

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Hi and welcome


Tania X


Hi Tania, thankyou for the welcome. How long before you come to OZ?

I don't blame you for leaving the UK I read the UK papers every morning on line and it makes me very sad to think what has happened to a once proud country,:frown:

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Hi Tania, thankyou for the welcome. How long before you come to OZ?

I don't blame you for leaving the UK I read the UK papers every morning on line and it makes me very sad to think what has happened to a once proud country,:frown:


Hi Miss Jilly

we are hoping to make the move in the next 3 weeks once the house is all signed and sealed, it is very sad in UK at the moment.

Tania X

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Guest arolph

Hi Jilly


I am a psychiatric nurse waiting for 457 visa, I have a job waiting in NSW as a case manager in the community. Did you enjoy the work?


Where are you living in NSW?

It would be great to hear more about the job.



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Hi Ann,


where in NSW have you been offered a job in Community? If you can let me know where I can give you fuller information.


I worked for Fairfield Community Mental Health Team and loved it. Great bunch of folks working there and a really good manager.


We worked Monday - Friday 0830am till 5.00pm and afternoon shift 1.30pm - 10.00pm, Saturday and Sunday 08.30am till 5.00pm. We were supplied with automatic cars.


We had a rostered day off once a month plus 2 days off a week. We also have salary packaging which saves you heaps in income tax.


I was on top line nurses pay and earned approx $1,800.00 every 2 weeks. You get more working in the Psych Units but lord knows why, much more responsibility in the community.

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Hi Tania

both of my sons are still living in the UK in Cheshire, I wish they would come out here. My youngest has NZ citizenship so would just be a matter of him renewing his NZ passport.


Three weeks is not very long I bet you are excited. Whereabouts in OZ are you going to?

All the best in your new life.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Tried to reply the other day but PIO went down. Welcome to PIO, it sounds like you have lots of experience you can share. How many brumbies do you currently have, any chance of photos?

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Tried to reply the other day but PIO went down. Welcome to PIO, it sounds like you have lots of experience you can share. How many brumbies do you currently have, any chance of photos?


Why are you going to Melbourne LOL only place to be is NSW even though the lousy Labor government (that's how they spell it here) has been in for the last 11 years and almost sent the state bankrupt.


Here are some photos of my brumbies:-



<center><a href="IMG_0181_1.jpg picture by beryll70 - Photobucket" target="_blank"><img src="http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a305/beryll70/IMG_0181_1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


<center><a href="theboxer2.jpg picture by beryll70 - Photobucket" target="_blank"><img src="http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a305/beryll70/theboxer2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


<center><a href="MANUKA.jpg picture by beryll70 - Photobucket" target="_blank"><img src="http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a305/beryll70/MANUKA.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Here is a pic of my partner, my eldest son, me and my eldest grandchild taken at the pub with no beer.


<center><a href="My OH, son. me and grandson. picture by beryll70 - Photobucket" target="_blank"><img src="http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a305/beryll70/IMG_0410.jpg" border="0" alt="My OH, son. me and grandson."></a>

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Guest The Pom Queen
Why are you going to Melbourne LOL only place to be is NSW even though the lousy Labor government (that's how they spell it here) has been in for the last 11 years and almost sent the state bankrupt.




We have been in Melbourne 5 years and love it here, although we came up the Saphire Coast region at the begining of the year and loved it, especially Eden.

The photos are gorgeous, I am so jealous.:wubclub:

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Guest arolph

Hi Jilly


The job offer is with South Eastern Sydney Illawarra, and is based at Maroubra Comminty Mental Health Centre. Do you know it at all?


Any info would be very much appriecited. Where do you live? Do you Maroubra area?

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Hi Tania


I know Maroubra but don't know anything about their CMHT, I would imagine it would be similar to Fairfield where I worked as both are in NSW.


You will find you have quite a heavy case load, I had 150 clients, not satisfactory just had to do your best.


Another time waster was MHOAT which we have to participate in, recording every single contact with a client. It would look good if you knew something about MHOAT before you come to OZ so here is a link. Good luck.

Your Guide to MH-OAT - NSW Department of Health


Tania have you got children coming with you? I ask because a nurse came out from UK with her husband and kids and was shocked on arrival to be told she had to pay for her children to go to school, she couldn't afford it, they went back. Not wanting to put you off but thought I should mention it.

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