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Guest pj

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I've seen some emails from people confused about what you can use to prove your defacto relationship. I found a really useful FAQ on migrating and lifted this section from it.


Hope this helps as little of this is included on any of the DIMIA information.


Pj xx


Proving the genuine and continuing nature of your relationship


The following factors may be used to assess the genuine and continuing nature of your relationship. There is no need to obtain all material described;see it as a list of suggestions. If you have material not mentioned below that you think may be useful it can also be provided.




Photographs of the two of you together taken at different times during your relationship.

Photographs taken with a camera that records the date on the photo are very useful.


Financial documents:


Documents (incl. receipts) showing joint ownership of property such as appliances, motor vehicles and real estate.

Statements from banks and other financial institutions showing joint accounts, credit cards, loans, mortgages etc.

Documents showing money sent from one of you to the other.


Evidence of living together:


Leases, rent receipts, telephone bills, electricity, gas bills and other documents in both your names or single names with same address

Letters, envelopes addressed to you both

addressed to you personally

to your spouse personally


Evidence of communications between both of you:


Cards and letters between you

Telephone accounts documenting telephone calls to each other



Evidence of Defacto Relationship:


It is important to send in documents proving when you first started living together.


Further evidence:


At least two statutory declarations from people who know you both, describing your relationship. You can find examples of the layout on the web. Get your friends to write them and take the to a solicitor for authorising, then it makes them official.

Evidence of travelling together including tickets, hotel bills etc

Documents showing that you are members of religious, social, cultural or sporting clubs or organizations

Documents that you have declared your relationship to government departments

Evidence that you have declared your relationship to employers, insurance companies, third parties etc.

Life insurance policies naming each other as beneficiaries.

Drivers licenses etc showing addresses at which you lived together

Wills making provision for each other

Powers of Attorney appointing your partner as your attorney.

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Guest somsy77



Photographs of the two of you together taken at different times during your relationship.

Photographs taken with a camera that records the date on the photo are very useful.




I used a free online software that allows you to 'stamp' dates on the photos. The photos must have have been taken with a digital camera... in which case, they have these details embedded in them when you take the picture (which is why you can sort such pics on your computer by 'date taken').


Voila using an online software such as BatchStamper or IrfanView, you can make the dates 'visible'.

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I used a free online software that allows you to 'stamp' dates on the photos. The photos must have have been taken with a digital camera... in which case, they have these details embedded in them when you take the picture (which is why you can sort such pics on your computer by 'date taken').


Voila using an online software such as BatchStamper or IrfanView, you can make the dates 'visible'.


Never knew about such software! Will keep this in mind if they ask for photos during second stage processing.

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Guest lelloem

Hi All,


Because my OH & I were not married and didnt have kids they wanted all sorts of info inc pictures Stat Dec's from family and friends, a letter from me and OH declaring why we intended to move to Australia etc etc. Our Agent told us that we should cancel our application, remove my name and OH apply alone.. IF the visa was granted then I could apply as a Defacto!! We decided not to listen to our agent and 1 week later our Permanent Resident visa was granted!! We have been in Australia for 2 Years now :P


If you need any examples of Stat Dec's etc let me know and I will dig ours out for you :-)


Its a looooong process and can be very difficult emotionally.. Fingers Crossed for You :-) Good luck :-)



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Guest somsy77

Qflyer: The batchstamper software was easiest to use. However, it 'converts' only 5 pics at a time for the free version. Not too time consuming. What I did was take the 15 pics I wanted into a folder.Then open the software, and define this folder as the 'source', and select another folder as the 'destination' and click on 'convert'. It warns you that it will only do 5 pics this time (usually the 1st 5). Click ok, and then go into your initial folder and delete the first 5, and repeat till you have all the pics in the destination folder all converted! Then I sent it off to this online photo print place. Cost me 3 £ for everything :)


Lelloem: What visa was your OH applying for ? Thanks for the offer. I sent my 309 off on Thursday and they've taken the money on Friday.... If my stat decs come back to bite me, I'll pm you ?? Thanks!!

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Guest lelloem
Lelloem: What visa was your OH applying for ? Thanks for the offer. I sent my 309 off on Thursday and they've taken the money on Friday.... If my stat decs come back to bite me, I'll pm you ?? Thanks!!


We applied for a Skilled Perm. Resident visa Sub Class 138. My OH has been doing IT networking and infrastructure for the last 15 years but didnt have any written qualifications... we applied to ACS filled out forms, subitted detailed reports and examples of previous work done. This gave him the qualifications recognised in Australia to apply for a Skilled Visa.


If you have any problems with Stat Decs PM me and ill dig out ours for you to alter :wink:


Good Luck



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Guest lelloem
Thanks Lelloem. Notice your in QLD. Thats where we'll be hopefully by the end of this year :)


Yup, we lived in Melbourne for a few months but we didnt like it and the weather was poooo :-P


where in QLD are you looking at?

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Guest somsy77

OH's parents live on Sunshine Coast, so there initially and plan on living in Brisbane later on :). Where are you at ?

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