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Will it really happen?


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Hi everyone i have been looking through this site for the best 6 months and what a great site it is i have just posted my first post on the jobs section.


My name is Heidi(34) and my husband is Mark(42) we want to move to Australia sooner rather than later,my husband works as a Sap management consultant which is on the skills list and looking at a company to sponsor us,he has applied to a few companies but a lot of companies just are not take on any staff at the moment let alone management (he has been looking for 6 months).

The other way is to do the visa process ourselves how much does it cost? and how long does it take?as time is not on our side.

We are not fussed at where we go and looking to be based in the city (we don't have any kids)

We are so desperate to move they is nothing keeping us in the UK i have a job i hate and Mark spends so much time working and is away from home 3-4 nights a week we hardly spend ant time together the money is very good we have no money worries but it is not all about money,we visited Australia for the last Ashes and fall in love with the place we just want to give it a go and spend more time together.

Can any one give us any hope to keep us going.


Thanks for reading my post


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Guest chris_mac

Hi Heidi


Welcome to poms in oz..


My advice would be speak to a few reputable agents (Free advice) as which is you best way forward and get a price off them.


Go Matilda Go Matilda - Your Gateway to Australia - Visa, Tax, and Financial Planning for Australia are very good as are Visa Bureau www.visabureau.com


Humming and arring as to use agents or not is simply wasting time which is not on your side..


Good luck anyway



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Guest JoanneHattersley

It takes a while to get everything in motion! Once you are on the ride it just keeps on going!


Good Luck, stay with us on PIO!

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