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Police & Meds...where to send...??


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Have finally been allocated a CO. Firstly, the police checks, am I right in my understanding that you have to send the original certificate to Auss? And then the meds, the doctors sends them on, but to where? The email we got asking for the meds & checks, doesn't clearly state where to send them to...presumably to the Adelaide GSM office as that where the CO seems to be?


Thanks in advance for any help.

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Hi fellow AUGUST 2008 applicant....Congratulations on getting that CO....


The Dr will know where to send your medicals but here are addresses anyway..



Courier address

Health Operations Centre

Level 3/26 Lee Street


NSW 2000







Postal address

GPO Box 9984


NSW 2001





I recommend you send them by courier as you can track them door to door..


We waited 1 week after meds for blood test results to come back and then our Dr rang us to say all documents were ready to send to HOC.. I contacted DHL and paid for them to be collected and sent to HOC, it cost £61..


Regarding PCCS once i received them i just forwarded them to my agent, i believe he scans them (attaches) to our applications...



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