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Berwick Secondary v Kambrya

Guest Mike&Fiona

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Guest Mike&Fiona

looks like we have decided on Berwick after a few days looking around. But all the nice houses seem to be in The Chase which I believe is catchment for Kambrya Secondary, but its reputation is poor compared to Berwick Secondary.


OK so its Median VCE Study score is lower but does that make it a bad school?

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Guest The Pom Queen


Sorry didn't see your post earlier. Personally, I would be heading for Berwick Secondary. I was speaking with a mother the other day who was saying there were major problems with bullying etc at Kambrya. Now I think you get this at any school but considering their results compared to BSC I would be tempted to opt for Berwick Secondary.

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Hi was just reading your post and and we are to considering berwick so was interestsed to read about the schools as I had no idea just thought all schools were o.k i Berwick.

It,s a nightmare as I have 4 kids and my biggest worry is the schooling just want them to settle and be happy. So I take it where you live will decide on the school they have to go to ?

Good luck


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Hi mike and fiona,i see your from my neck of the woods,were just back from our validation trip,we had a look at berwick but thought the houses were very close together,and a bit pricey,weve decided to try frankston once we get there,are you over there yet or still in aberdeen?

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Guest Mike&Fiona
Hi mike and fiona,i see your from my neck of the woods,were just back from our validation trip,we had a look at berwick but thought the houses were very close together,and a bit pricey,weve decided to try frankston once we get there,are you over there yet or still in aberdeen?



Hi Selbies


We arrived on 1st March and have been constantly looking at areas to live but i think we have decided on Berwick. We have visited the school and my 2 girls really liked it so that is really encouraging. The rental market it pretty tight there so we are still waiting on the right house. We are currently in holiday accommodation until 1st April. We thought that you got a lot more for your money in Berwick and a sense of space. Fairly decent gardens compared to some areas. Haven't been to Frankston so can't really comment on that area. Melbourne is great and has a great buzz about it and I am pleased that we decided to come as we took months and months trying to decide if it would be the right thing to do. Where in Aberdeenshire are you from ? We are from a small village called Newtonhill, south aberdeenshire. Have you got a date to arrive here?



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Hi Selbies


We arrived on 1st March and have been constantly looking at areas to live but i think we have decided on Berwick. We have visited the school and my 2 girls really liked it so that is really encouraging. The rental market it pretty tight there so we are still waiting on the right house. We are currently in holiday accommodation until 1st April. We thought that you got a lot more for your money in Berwick and a sense of space. Fairly decent gardens compared to some areas. Haven't been to Frankston so can't really comment on that area. Melbourne is great and has a great buzz about it and I am pleased that we decided to come as we took months and months trying to decide if it would be the right thing to do. Where in Aberdeenshire are you from ? We are from a small village called Newtonhill, south aberdeenshire. Have you got a date to arrive here?



HI Fiona,

were north of aberdeen in wartle 10 min from inverurie,were on a 1200m2 block

here so would hope to get the same if not more when we get there.our house has been on the market for 7 months with no interest yet,but as soon as it sells were on the plane,weve got a 9 yr old son and 5yr old daughter who cant wait to get over there, what line of work is mike in?i,m a plasterer, colin

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Guest Mike&Fiona

Hi Colin


Wow, going from Wartle to Melbourne.....big difference. Have been to Inverurie many times and in fact I'm pretty sure Michael has quite a few relatives there. We sold our house within 7 weeks, although we didn't go to a closing date and accepted 5K under the asking price. The house was totally renovated top to bottom and we only finished in July last year. Shame to leave it so soon but if we didn't take this chance to go to Melbourne now we would never had got the chance again. We are still trying to hold out for a rental in Berwick but time is running out for us as we only have this week and next week left in our holiday accom. We have 2 rental applications pending and 1 more to view today so hopefully something positive will come from that. Michael is in the IT business and his working base is in Mulgrave. Not too far from Berwick but I believe the Monash gets very busy in rush hour which may cause him problems. Best of luck with selling your house hopefully it won't be much longer before you get some interest.

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Guest Hearne_Family
Hi Colin


Wow, going from Wartle to Melbourne.....big difference. Have been to Inverurie many times and in fact I'm pretty sure Michael has quite a few relatives there. We sold our house within 7 weeks, although we didn't go to a closing date and accepted 5K under the asking price. The house was totally renovated top to bottom and we only finished in July last year. Shame to leave it so soon but if we didn't take this chance to go to Melbourne now we would never had got the chance again. We are still trying to hold out for a rental in Berwick but time is running out for us as we only have this week and next week left in our holiday accom. We have 2 rental applications pending and 1 more to view today so hopefully something positive will come from that. Michael is in the IT business and his working base is in Mulgrave. Not too far from Berwick but I believe the Monash gets very busy in rush hour which may cause him problems. Best of luck with selling your house hopefully it won't be much longer before you get some interest.




We live in Berwick, about 5 mins to the Monash, I work in Kew so I travel from Berwick along the Monash to the Torak exit, it takes me 40 mins from leaving my house to arriving at work in Kew, its not a bad drive really once you get used to the lane hoppers and the stopping and starting at certain points.


Where are you staying now, have you got a place sorted? If you need any help or info just give us a shout.



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Guest Mike&Fiona


We live in Berwick, about 5 mins to the Monash, I work in Kew so I travel from Berwick along the Monash to the Torak exit, it takes me 40 mins from leaving my house to arriving at work in Kew, its not a bad drive really once you get used to the lane hoppers and the stopping and starting at certain points.


Where are you staying now, have you got a place sorted? If you need any help or info just give us a shout.




Hi Terry


Thanks for your offer of help. We have just secured a rental today. We were cutting it fine really as our holiday rental is up on 1st April and we were starting to panic. Only problem is that our rental is for 6 months only, we would have prefered 12 months but the landlord may be returning to Melbourne so he wants to keep his options open. I have 2 daughters grade 6 and 3 who will be going to berwick primary. Hopefully my eldest will get into Berwick secondary at the end of her grade 6 year but we will just have to wait and see. Hubby doesn't seem to mind the drive on the monash as we all really liked the feel of Berwick he said the drive would be worth it. Just hope he is right.



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Guest *KAY TEE*
looks like we have decided on Berwick after a few days looking around. But all the nice houses seem to be in The Chase which I believe is catchment for Kambrya Secondary, but its reputation is poor compared to Berwick Secondary.


OK so its Median VCE Study score is lower but does that make it a bad school?


Hiya Mike & Fiona.


We live in Berwick and love it. Its a really nice area and pretty close to anything that you may need. To answer your origional question about schools, our two kids go to Kambrya and have had no problems at all settleing in. I heard it was this that and the other, but because of the catchment area we didnt get a choice, but saying that I am pleased with the way things have turned out. My daughter went on to year 11 jumping year 10 and is doing brilliantly, she has been graded A in a couple of her mock (sacs) tests and with out the great teaching staff that wouldnt be possible. I think if your kids are willing to knuckle down and get on with things they will be fine. My daughter came from an all girls catholic school so as you can imagine I was a bit concerned with her going to a mixed school but all has been well (touch wood). I have 3 other friends who came over from the uk and all of their kids have gone to Kambrya and they have had no problems, so all in all if you are in the catchmment area for kambrya I wouldnt worry to much. Sorry cant really tell you too much about Berwick secondary, that was my origional choice because of the things I had heard about Kambrya, but because of where we lived I was told by the really snooty receptionist who I might add didnt get back to me to tell me I wasnt in their area, that I needed to apply with Kambrya. Hope that helps you out a bit. Can I just add there are lots of nice areas in berwick, although the chase is nice, it is pricey and there are some much nicer ones, Eden rise is a lovely little estate and evergreen. :wubclub:

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