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Beginning the process

Guest heidi1234

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Guest heidi1234

Hi everyone


My name is Heidi and me and my hubby and our FOUR kids aged 10,8,3 and 2 months are looking to moving to Perth. My husband has family in Canning Vale and other areas of Perth.

We new at this and only beginning to research etc. My hubby is an IT specialist and I was a childminder before giving up to have a baby.

How or what is the best way to go about moving to OZ? Can anyone give us some advise on this?. Do we look for the jobs first or do we process visa first and if so which visas?


Sorry, but this is all so confusing to me, especially the visas. I know my hubbys family will put us up while we get settled but its starting and getting there and how much is this all going to cost us. I'm also worried about selling our house with the way things are at the moment. Do we try sell then move or do we go and leave it with an agency to sell it???


Sorry about all the questions, like i said we new to this and cant wait to move to OZ .:wubclub:

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Guest ZoeStewart



Really sorry to intrude on your forum/thread here. I am new to this and I don't have a clue how to start. I am in a similar position, my husband and I have been thinking of moving to Oz for 6 months now, weighed up the pros and cons and we def want to go for it. We are both 25, we have a son at 2 and another baby expected in the summer. We are happy for the process to take 2 - 3 years before moving but we have no idea where to start. Can anyone help us too?


I work in a bank and probably won't be able to work as soon as we get there anyway. My husband is a fully qualified Painter and Decorator (who also papers and tapes). What is the first thing we should do? We are considering Queensland!


Thank You:wubclub:

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