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Hello fellow PIO members :smile:


Myself & my partner are currently in discussions about a possible move to Aus, if it were possible it will be in approx 4 years. We want to get out of the recession and wouldn't want to move untill we saw things starting to pic up everywhere, plus we want to pay our personal loan off first & save a fair whack (so we can move debt free and have a fair amount to cover us for a few months in Aus, just incase!). We already sold our Apt we had and are currently in rented, if in 4 years we don't or can't go to Aus then we will put it in for a deposit on another house and settle here, we will not buy a new house though untill we are 100% sure we will stay here!!


I have a few questions if anyone can help, after various reading and flicking through various sites im a little deflated/worried that we wouldn't make it over there due to our jobs. I currently work in I.T however at present am only a Computer Operator and while im training in Unix, PHP, HTML & MYSQL it is only on the job training so no formal qualifications are given so from what I have read I take it I wouldnt be on the list of jobs to get the skilled workers visa? Also my partners is, over her a Training and Development manager, he basically trains staff their job roll (currently in the financial industry) so he delivers the training, writes full training courses etc, I cant see this type of job on the skilled work list, is it called something else over there or would he not be eligible either??


I would be willing to train in another area as to be honest IT was never what I wanted to do, I just fell in to it really but is 4 years enough time to retrain as something else and get the experience for a skilled workers list. Im very interested in Baking cakes and sugar art and do make some excellent sugar art cakes for family and friends, I was hoping to turn it in to a business some day, but I take it this would also not be a route I could follow to get in to Aus?


finally, the state sponsor, does this work where you find a job in the state you wish to move from and if you get it that company will sponsor you to get in? If so is it the case where you can only apply for jobs with qualifications in that field or is it like the UK, where you can apply based on experience?


Anyway so many questions there, my appologies, and thank you in advance for any replies :smile:

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Guest brooksey

Sorry can't help on job question, but surly if your not coming for 4 years now would be a fantastic time to buy a house in the UK and sell it after the price increases that must follow the slump.

Only my take, but worth a thought. If I hadn't bought land in Oz i would be buying cheap houses in Sheffield now.

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Sorry can't help on job question, but surly if your not coming for 4 years now would be a fantastic time to buy a house in the UK and sell it after the price increases that must follow the slump.

Only my take, but worth a thought. If I hadn't bought land in Oz i would be buying cheap houses in Sheffield now.


In theory yes, but unfortunatly we had to sell our Apt at what we bought it for to shift it, didn't make any money on it so are back to square one saving again, no most we can get is a 90% LTV mortgage so need a 10% deposit which we just don't have at the minute, it would have been a great plan, but unfortunatley not something possible for us right now (boooo)

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It will be alright in the end. Keep on slogging and get over here . you'll love it Good luck


I'm sure it will all work out thanks Brooksey, yes in the mean time, i'm sure were up for lots of hard graft to save some serious ££££ for some reccies over the next few years!!



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