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Guest michellematthews2005

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Guest michellematthews2005

Hi, is there anyone who can only get into Oz on a region visa, which means you can only live and work in these areas for two years and then you can go where you want. If there is anyone, please tell me what you think, and what place you are in or going to, as this all looks a bit daunting to me. We have been told to look east of Perth, ie all round the northam area. Are we all alone on this one???? :cry:

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Guest bob and ginnie

A "regional" visa means not in a capital city, but out in the "regions". However, as South Australia is in need of more British migrants, the Australian gov't has relaxed the regional requirement concerning South Oz to include Adelaide, the capital city, a city of 1 million people (like Perth and Brisbane).

South Australia has a real skills shortage at the moment with its State economy kicking along and having the lowest unemployment rate in Australia, so if you feel like checking out South Australia and applying on a regional visa, then look at:




South Australia and Western Australia had the highest proportion of British migrants, per head of population, going to those two States in the old 10 Pound days, so there is a big British influence in South Oz.


We want ya!

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