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thinking of moving to australia!?!

Guest beanshow

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Guest beanshow


Hi people sorry to bother you!


looking at moving to autralia with a couple of freinds of mine! 19 years old looking for a fresh start and to live a little! just looking for advice on how i go about moving and costs!? flights, accomadation etc.......? any feedback would be most appreciated my email is wiltshiredean@hotmail.com!


thank you!!!!

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Guest mark78

Hi people sorry to bother you!


looking at moving to autralia with a couple of freinds of mine! 19 years old looking for a fresh start and to live a little! just looking for advice on how i go about moving and costs!? flights, accomadation etc.......? any feedback would be most appreciated my email is wiltshiredean@hotmail.com!


thank you!!!!


I presume at your age you're looking at a "working holiday visa" (WHV) which enables you to live in Oz for 12 months and work for 6 months of that stay. Of course, after this 12 months you'd have to leave.


If you wanted a permenant visa, you would need to have a tertiary qualification in a profession such as nursing, or have a trade in demand. You could also look for an employer to sponsor you. (this would be very hard tho).


This WHV is quite easy to obtain, as long as you don't have a criminal record or HIV. You would also need a few thousand $'s to support your stay- Funds need to be proven on entry.


Flights prices depend on what month of the year you'e flying. Accom prices range dramatically on where in Oz you want to live, and what type of place I.e Hostel, house, flat etc

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  • 6 years later...
Guest chair6106

They'll be plenty of jobs in hospitality and farming job you can do, also if you plan on staying in backpackers there really good for offering work in return for free accommodation. As for prices in Aus compared to UK, get ready to save up as it's expensive over here in general for food clothes, rent. There are cheaper places like target but it's cheap clothing. My advice buy all the clothes you can get in england before coming over here. There are plenty of places you can rent, but my advice don;t share accommodation with an aussi. There good people but when you live with them it's a different story, that's my advice.

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