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Guest Ian & Sarah

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Guest Ian & Sarah



I've been looking on here for ages and I cannot work it out.......what the hell does TRA stand for? Maybe I'm not getting it coz it's nothing to do with our visa.


Now before you all laugh etc etc - it's 7am and I'm tired and wish I was still in bed!



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TRA stands for Trades Recognition Australia.


I'm tired toooo and it's 0830!! We've got a 13 month old gorgeous daughter whom insists on not sleeping through the night!! :shock:

Plus this little migration matter to think about!! :D



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Guest jocky boy

:) hi ian and sarah how far are you into the process of emmigrating.


god it can be stressfull dont you thinking about it all day at work cant help it , people asking questions, get home and then talking to fiance about it then on the net talking to people going to perth.




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