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Meds not updated/finalied for months!


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Our meds were received in Aus on 23rd September, and the enquiry page was updated to say received on 8th October, but nothing since then!

I would have assumed that they would have changed to met/finalized etc by now.

Should we be concerned and contact DIAC, or is this fairly normal, and should we just sit tight??


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Guest michelle in Havant



Our meds took about four weeks to show as being finalised. I think if there was a problem with them they would have contacted you by now, but just to make sure I would contact the DIAC, if nothing else it will put your mind at rest.


michelle x

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Mongoose


DIAC do not always remember to update the meds information on the status page. I would suggest sending an on-line enquiry to the HOC:


Health Operations Centre


You could also try ringing the ASPC to try to chase for some progress:


Contact Us - Department of Immigration and Citizenship


Since you have an Agent the ASPC might refuse to discuss progress with you, but some of the people there are more generous than others. Anyway, if you try but you get nowhere you will have a cast-iron reason to insist that your Agent does what you paid her to do, which is to get this finalised for you without further delay.


Best wishes



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Just a quick update.

Had a email reply from HOC, and they have confirmed meds have been received and finalized!

Nothing from the other lot yet!!, but not too worried now. Hopefully will get a case officer soon, and things will start moving on!

Thanks again Gill.

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Guest kkris.san

hey gill...

as advised by u..i did leave a message to the HOC....the link u shared with me yesterday...but as yet no changes in my status page..nor any email from them.....is it coz its a weekend? shall i wait untill monday/?

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi kkris


The HOC does not work at weekends. I don't know what the time difference is from where you are but Sydney is currently 10 hours ahead of us in the UK.


Give them till Wednesday or Thursday, I suggest. They normally respond pretty quickly.


Best wishes



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