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Back to Blighty in JUNE!!! airfares anyone??


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Well guys its been 2 years and watch out for a full expo of our time here thus far. We have been approved the perm Res visa subject to buggering off for a bit and getting that visa thing validated.


(enforced holidays for five! jus what the doctor ordered during a recession):noxmas:

Anyway,......... June it is we decided to kill two kookaburras with one stone and our first trip back to the UK for us all. it will be 2.5 years about the time i was told it would take to see and feel the difference. We shall see.


Meanwhile. We are now looking at prices and stuff for flights. for June 09


Any one have any amazingly cheap deals out there??? worth an ask I thought as a family of 5 it aint bloody cheap!


Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas (holidays for you athiests) :emoticon-signxmas:


The Bear.



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