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DIAC Xmas Hols

Guest hartleys

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Guest hartleys



We got our CO on 20th Nov who requested additional info which i broke my back to get and send same day. Ive since heard that beacause you have 28 days to supply info they dont look at your case until after 28 days argrhhhh. 28 days is around 17th dec and i believe they break for xmas on 16th? Is this true and does anyone know how long for?





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Guest sarahjustwishing

Hi All,

I havent heard that, I thought that you had 28 days to submit the additional information otherwise a decision would be made on just what you had submitted. I hope so!! Good luck
















We got our CO on 20th Nov who requested additional info which i broke my back to get and send same day. Ive since heard that beacause you have 28 days to supply info they dont look at your case until after 28 days argrhhhh. 28 days is around 17th dec and i believe they break for xmas on 16th? Is this true and does anyone know how long for?





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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Lisa


Holidays - Australian High Commission


The staff at the Aussie High Commission in London get all the public holidays that are observed in Canberra plus all the ones in the UK! Nice work if you can get it. I envy them. (Though they are a long way from home so I forgive them as well!)


They do usually put the Christmas and New Year closure dates on the main DIAC website as well, but maybe not until nearer the time.


Plus the staff in the processing centres around Australia are sent home during local public holidays in the relevant State, though as far as I know there are none of those around Christmas and the New Year.


Chucking in every public holiday going plus a few of Her Majesty's "privilege days" for the civil service is one way of trying to justify lousy basic pay, I suspect.


Best wishes



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Guest guest17301

Please let them sort my visa before they go on their hols! Does anyone know what time they start work? Wonder if it's worth checking online status before I go to bed..not that I'm obsessed or anything...........:unsure:

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Guest ReadyPenny

Hi guys


The DIAC do not wait for 28 days before looking at your application again. Further info was requested by our Co on 25.11, which I also sent back same day. I called the processing centre in Adelaide and the lady there told me that our case would be reviewed second week of December, hence 2-3 weeks.


Dont panic, if you call them up they will tell you the date your Co will review your application.


Good Luck, fingers crossed for you, hope you get a nice Christmas pressie!!



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Guest hartleys



I did call them, thats who told me they wouldnt look at it again for 28 days! I think they make it up as they go along. Fingers crossed

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Going by my 176 visa application, I think they have been on hols since May!:biglaugh:

Seriously though, i spoke to my agent yesterday and she said the same as posts above. She also said that if your application has been in for over 6 months, they, as agents can email a request for an update-she said DIAC don't usually reply, but it does gee them up a bit, and she has had some successs with it!

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