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Need some help

Guest shazzy

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Hi, new to this forum...Hi Guys

I am in a bit of a delema..I am an "ozzy" (well I thought I was) here in the UK..was born in Birmingham, went to oz with my parents as a 10 pound immigrant in 1960. Just over a year ago..I decided to come to the UK and try to look for some family on a British passport..very stupid me..did not get a visa back..and have just found out that I am also not a permanent resident of oz...confused yet???...heck I am...well...I want to go back home to oz now...and I dont know who to contact to find out if I can...can anyone help me to find someone I can Talk to about this??


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Hiya ,that is a confusing dilema, i would ring an agent and get some advice from them , there are quite a few mentioned in this section who people on here have successfully used. Good Luck with everything and let us know how you get on ,

Cal x

p.s ,,How's Bury , i left 2 years ago for here and dont half miss a Black Pudding ,lol.

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Thanks a lot for that,

I dont mind the black pud either...and I love the markets too. Weather is much nicer in Jimboomba though. You picked a great place to relocate to. Here the weathers been bad of late. Hope you are ok. Will let you know how I get on.

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I can only suggest contacting an agent. Are you living in Bury me to :) weather is rubbish today it was snowing this afternoon and Ive lived in Bury for 5 years but I wont try the black pudding heard its an aquired taste.

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Hi there!


Just wanted to welcome you to PomsinOz and wish you Lots of Luck with your somewhat complicated dilemma...!!!





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Guest littlesarah

I assume that you've never had an Australian passport then? Did you ever apply for Australian citizenship? The only people with automatic citizenship (as I understand it) are those who are/were born there. All others have to apply for it.


You could contact the Australian Embassy for advice, or an agent, as others have suggested.


Good luck.

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Guest Gollywobbler
Hi, new to this forum...Hi Guys

I am in a bit of a delema..I am an "ozzy" (well I thought I was) here in the UK..was born in Birmingham, went to oz with my parents as a 10 pound immigrant in 1960. Just over a year ago..I decided to come to the UK and try to look for some family on a British passport..very stupid me..did not get a visa back..and have just found out that I am also not a permanent resident of oz...confused yet???...heck I am...well...I want to go back home to oz now...and I dont know who to contact to find out if I can...can anyone help me to find someone I can Talk to about this??



Hi Shazzy


Welcome to Poms in Oz.


The problem with asking a migration agent is that you would have a devil of a job to find one who actually knows anything about what the visa drill was with Ten Pound Poms all those years ago. It is the type of thing that the average migration agent will not have a clue about so the only thing you would be likely to get from 99% of them is complete cluelessness coupled with bluster aimed at concealing the fact that they don't know and haven't a clue how to find out.


George Lombard is a very experienced migration agent in Sydney and he is a member on here. I PM'd him earlier when I first saw this thread and asked George to look at the thread. He might know what the historical visa arrangements were.


You say you believe that you are not a Permanent Resident of Australia? What makes you think that?


Do you mean that you believe you might not be a Citizen of Australia because if so, that is a separate question?


Or is it the case that you know for sure that you are not an Australian Citizen but when your current British passport was issued, you forgot to have a new visa label put into it and then forgot to obtain a 5 year Residents Return Visa before you left Oz last year?


Five Year Resident Return Visa (Subclass 155)


I asked a Ten Pound Pom about the visa arrangements for TPPs a few months ago. Did TPPs have Permanent Residency from Day One? This lady had migrated as an adult in the mid 1960s. She said that the TPPs did have PR from Day One but that if they left Oz within 2 years of arrival, they owed a debt to the Commonwealth and would be required to repay all or part of the costs of the assisted passage out to Oz, plus would have to pay for their own return passage to the UK. However she was definite that all of you did have Permanent Residency from Day One. She was not aware of any arrangement whereby a TPP would only be a Temporary Resident of Oz.


I know another TPP though I have never asked him about it. He told me that he and his wife migrated as TPPs in about 1971. Their son was born in Oz about 2 years or so later. Then they all left Oz. When the son grew up, he was an Australian Citizen by birth (so his parent "must have been" Permanent Residents at the time of his birth I suspect - though I am not sure about that because they have fiddled with the Citizenship legislation a few times over the years.) However the son returned to Oz and the Parents were recently able to obtain Contributory Parent vsas because of it. So they had PR, abandoned it without becoming Australian Citizens, and they now have PR for the second time around.


Also, I have never heard of a Temporary Resident being permitted to remain in Australia indefinitely without having to renew visas regularly? Again, my hunch is that you probably are a Permanent Resident and that it is only a matter of straightening the paper work out but I do not know whether there were special visa arrangements for Ten Pound Poms beyond the purely anecdotal information that I have passed on above.


In your shoes, I think my inclination would be to send certified copies of your birth certificate, your current passport and any previous passports that you might still have to the Australian High Commission in London, explaining that you do not know exactly what the story is but telling them as much as you do know. I would ask them to investigate the question from their own end because they will be as keen as you are to find out what the score is.


Are one or both of your parents still alive? If so, where are they? Can they tell you anything about the visa history and do they know what your current visa status is?


If as I suspect we are merely dealing with a situation where you are a PR but you do not have a current visa label and you do not have a Resident Return visa either, that is not fatal by any means. If need be, London can grant you an RRV that will get you back into Australia.


However yours is an intriguing question because I would love to know more about Ten Pound Poms and exactly what the visa deal for you all was. It is the sort of obscure legal history that George might well know but few others would be likely to know.


Peter Chiam is another RMA who might know (ptlabs) because both he and JAJ on British Expats are experts on Australian Citizenship and they know which years the rules changed, what the effects of the changes were and so on. ptlabs is also a member on here so he might comment if he spots this thread.


My gut instinct, though, is that there is nothing much wrong and that it can be straightened out without the need to apply for a Former Resident Visa:


Former Resident Visa (Subclass 151)


My feeling is that you will find that you do not have to consider a subclass 151 application.


Best wishes



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Hi Shazzy,


I don't think you need to panic but I would certainly suggest you make contact with a UK - based agent about getting an RRV urgently. Gill may want to suggest some but I think I would be suggesting Ian Harrop in terms of seniority and experience.


You would have been better off getting your citizenship sorted before leaving of course but I think this will be ok in Ian's hands. No point contacting me, or Jeremy or Peter for that matter, unless you're in Australia and ready to lodge an RRV application onshore.




George Lombard

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Gee Gill,,,,I hope you took a breath in all that.

You have made me feel a heck of a lot better ...have taken all that advice on board and will let you know what happens

My Mum is still alive and has never been naturalized either...never even thought it being a problem...was actually told that I was an aussie as I had imigrated ...Mum seems clueless on all ofit too...she is 80 now and has forgotten most of the info.

But thanks to everyone who has put there bit in...its given me a clue as to where to ask...THANKS, Shaz

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Shazzy


No probs. The Ten Pound Poms story intrigues me because not that much has been written about it. It is like the Emergency in Malaya from 1947 to 1960. My parents were in Malaya throughout the Emergency but very little has been written about that and very few of the people who were there at the time are still alive now because comparitively few Brits were involved. I wish we could get the survivors like your Mum and mine to write their stories down but it is a question of needing the time to sit down with them and coax the details out of them, alas.


I'd say start with the Australian High Commission. Find out what they say the position is. If they are then unhelpful and you need someone to help to sort it out, then I would second George's recommendation of Ian Harrop but you might well find that you can manage without him. If you need him, though, his contact details are here:


Registered Australian Migration Agents, UK - Ian Harrop and Associates


Best wishes



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