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CPV anyone else been told this


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Hi everyone waitng for CPV

My daughter rung our agent in Aus the other day to find out what was happening as it was nearly 8wks since she placed the Bond, agent then rung Perth to see what they said about it this is the answer " as there was a large back log they are doing them first it should take about another 6wks we kept being told 2wks then another 2wks once that is done we would be put into a Batch and given a Batch number then when it gets to our Batch we would be asked for 2nd payment as I have never heard anyone mention this I wondered if it was true or were we just getting panned off we are both a bit disheartened hoping it doesn't get to the stage of being capped again and we have to wait until next July.

Would love to be reasured that this is the process we have to go through.

Good luck to everyone waiting for Visas and the sale of their houses even though we don't have our house sold it would still be good to have the Visa.

R:skeptical:egards to all


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Hi Evelyn


Seems too complicated for it not to be true! Given that they already have a queue of visas 'ready to go' when they ran out last December, it would seem fair to give them priority as soon as 1st July arrived and everything else would be put on hold until they were cleared.


Looks like they asked for bond before 1st July when they probably had some time on their hands but unfortunately before they got round to asking for your second instalment it was 1st July and all hands to the deck on clearing those visas held since December.


Hopefully it won't be too long now. Fingers crossed for your house sale,



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Guest JoanneHattersley

Sounds very much like they are clearing the backlog and perhaps implementing a queuing system....I may be wrong..PLEASE DONT QUOTE ME!!!!!!!!!!


Good Luck to all those waiting

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Evelyn


I agree with Johatts. They might be sorting the applications into batches according to when meds were done or something like that.


Have you tried ringing them direct (the POPC) to ask what it all means?


Best wishes



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Guest OldiesRUs

I don't believe this! I'm sure it is all a government plot to keep me out. It's just delay after delay. We lodged our Bond at the beginning of the month and haven't heard anything. Agent emailed our CO last Thursday and still awaiting a reply. I am getting so fed up with this. As soon as it looks as though we are getting close, it is snatched away again. And all the time house prices are going down, the dollar getting stronger and we are getting poorer and older. Bugger, bugger, bugger!!


But I will get there!



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