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Skilled Visa - Any help will be much appreciated.

John A

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Hi Everyone  

Im looking into applying for a skilled visa 189/190 and just trying find out as much info & advice from people who have been there and done it please .

My wife and I met in oz in 2008 both on working visas , came home in 2009 but wish I stayed out there TBH.

In 2013 we flew back out just to get married ! Had 2 kids in between then & now and really want to go back out there for good .

I’m a 36 year old electrician with over 10 years experience and my wife is a customer service agent . 
Ive been reading up on the points system , EOI , skills test etc etc but any advice from people that have been through the process would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks 

John .

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 The 189 visa is the Rolls Royce of visas because it lets you live and work anywhere in Australia, but it's very tought to get.  It's all based on points. You only need 65 points to apply, but it's a competition, not a queue.  They cherry-pick the people with the highest points, and everyone else just gets ignored until their application expires.   For the last few years, there have been so many applications, they haven't had to accept anyone with less than 90 points.   It may well be worse once they start processing applications again after Covid, because there's such a backlog of applications already sitting there from 2020.

The 190 is next best and can still be hard to get.  You have to get invited by one of the states and then you have to live and work there for two years, but after that you can go anywhere you like.  The requirements are more flexible, but states aren't awarding nearly as many these days, because they're getting fed up of people applying for the 190 then buggering off to another state as soon as they can. The whole idea of the 190 is so the state can attract and keep workers.  Every state has different rules.

So, your first step should be to work out how many points you can get.  I'd get a wriggle on, because you lose points for age.   By far the easiest and quickest way is to book a one-off consultation with an agent.  Try Suncoast Migration or Go Matilda.  Then you know you've got all the right info.

Edited by Marisawright
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