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309 medical/police checks - how long to complete


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Hi all,

About to apply for a 309 visa. Just wonddring, when we are contacted by the agent to do police/medical checks, is there any time limit for providing these?

We aren't quite sure how long it will take to sell our house etc and prepare to move right now. So if we need to slow down the process, could we wait a few months before uploading the medical/police checks, giving us more control over when 12 month move deadline ends?

Appreciate this is the opposite question to what nearly everyone else asks, trying to get it processed ASAP. :)


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You normally have 28 days to upload medical and police checks. However, you are looking at least a year before you are asked for these. Then, you have 12; months to make first entry. That doesn’t mean you have to move in 12 months, just enter Australia. That can be a holiday or even just arrive at the airport and get the next flight out. You have five years to make the move.

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