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Visa rejected - any advice


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I applied for the wrong visa for my husband so it has been rejected as I live in Australia. I can appeal but it’s the wrong visa. I also didn’t fill in a Finance appendix but I meet all financial needs. Any advice??  I only found the one visa but apparently I needed European settlement not a spouse visa. 4.5k down the drain seems extremely harsh whwn they could have just said you need the offshore one? 

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I'm confused.   I'm assuming you want to settle back in the UK with your husband?   If so, then the spouse visa is the correct visa.    There isn't a different offshore one.

The reason I'm sure is that my husband applied in the same circumstances, while I was still living in Australia.   

I'd think it more likely you got refused because you didn''t complete the Finance appendix which also includes details of where you'll be living, etc.  Without that appendix, they have almost none of the information they need to make a judgment.  

It is true that the wording on the visa is confusing, because it talks about your spouse "joining you" in the UK - but don't let that confuse you.   The spouse visa is the one you want.

Another possibility - if he holds an EU passport then you do need a different visa. 

Edited by Marisawright
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A couple of questions.

It's actually your husband who has to apply for the visa, not you, so I'm assuming that's just a slip of the tongue.  

When my husband applied, he had to attend the consulate for a biometric interview, print off all the papers and submit them at the interview, as well as submitting the form online.  They didn't even consider his application until he'd done all that.   So the question is, are you sure the visa has been considered and he's been turned down, or could it be that the system is just telling you the application is incomplete?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m so confused to be Honest. I think I’m just going to send the finance appendix with a letter to appeal. My husband did the interview with the biometrics. I don’t want to spend thousands just for not filling out one form. I spoke to a lawyer and they said it takes over 12 months to appeal and we should pay them a fee and start the whole process again. 


I should be able To get in as we tick all the boxes needed so I’m just a bit lost right now. Any help greatly appreciated. And happy to pay a bit but not 8k!


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20 minutes ago, Trichick5 said:

I’m so confused to be Honest. I think I’m just going to send the finance appendix with a letter to appeal. My husband did the interview with the biometrics.

What a shame.  When we did our application, the officer went through and checked the documents were all there, and even sent my husband down to the local pharmacy to get the photos redone because she said they weren't suitable.  Sounds like your oh got somebody unhelpful.

I see on the letter that they're saying your oh was sent an email asking for the Appendix 2 to be completed, so he didn't get it?  

I can understand why you missed the Appendix 2 because it's not at all clear on the online application that you need to complete it. We would have missed it too, except that I was worried by the fact that we weren't being asked to submit our financial evidence - so I looked into it more deeply and found Appendix 2.

Edited by Marisawright
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