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Overtaxed on the 417 visa, employer won't register


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Hi there,

I'm hoping someone can provide me with some clarity on this issue. I started working for a new employer a few weeks ago but it wasn't until I got my first paycheck that I discoveres that they weren't registered to employ working holiday makers. Basically this means I'm getting taxed over 30% when it should only be 15%. I've spoken to my employer about them getting registered and they've pretty much told me that because they're a large international company they would look into it but wouldn't make any promises that they'd actually register. I was even told they would understand if I wanted to leave my role due to the higher tax I'm getting. My employer said they spoke to the ATO who assured them I could claim back my tax at the end of the tax year. I just got off the phone with the ATO and was told the opposite. That basically if the company doesn't register for working holiday makers then I'm stuck at paying the higher tax rate and will not be able to claim anything back at the end of the tax year. Is there anything I can do about this? Thanks in advance for your help!

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9 hours ago, ali said:

I think you can claim any super back

Thanks for the quick reply, tbh the super isn't a huge concern because they'll tax me 65% of that when I leave here permanently so my main concern is making sure I don't overpay on my PAYG or that if I do it can be claimed back when I do my tax return.

The guy I spoke to at the ATO seemed really unsure about whether I can claim back the difference between the 15% and 32.5%, so I'm hoping someone can shed some light on the situation!

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