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173 to 143 - Bridging Visa with Medicare Card


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I got the information that while the waiting for the result of 143 (Contributory Permanent Parent visa) from 173 (Contributory Temporary Parent visa), we could apply for Bridging visa. The Bridging Visa  (BVA) will effective when 173 expires. But my question is: does the BVA also allow applicant to continue/renew the Medicare card? or while they are in BVA they will not be eligible to get Medicare for the interim period (until approve the 143). It will be helpful if someone give information with the relevant URL link (if any) of public website. Thanks.


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For Visa 173, Medicare office provide you Medicare card that is renewable. Your card will be active during your BV period. If it expire you talked to Medicare office they will issue you a new one and it takes 4 or 5 days to receive the new one.

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