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Thanks and some TOR advice needed


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I’ve been reading with interests everyone’s posts for moving back to the UK.  Firstly thanks to all those who share their advice and wisdom for both moving to Oz & moving back to the UK, what a wealth of knowledge and support you all are ! 

Sadly my marriage has broken down ( my husband is Australian), and me and my child  left quite quickly .... so priority has been getting school sorted etc .. the situation was such we couldn’t stay whilst house stuff was sorted, shipped, sold etc .. 

I’ve had a look at the TOR chat on here and wonder can the shippers pack our stuff without the reference number ? My husband has booked shippers to pack our stuff this Friday .. but says they need the TOR reference number .. but I see that it can take several weeks for a TOR number to be issued .. but also see some have packed and shipped and got TOR number whilst in transit ..  guess it depends on the shipping company .... 

its good to be back in the UK despite the circumstances! 

Any  advice on if we can leverage with the shipping company to pack without TOR would be great, I still need to get a laptop & printer so I can complete the form ! 


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I'm fairly sure it isn't needed until the shipment reaches the UK, as it is for HMRC.  Having said that, you could always phone and ask for them to expedite it for you, if the shipper won't do anything until they have the number in hand.  Ours was pretty quick, if memory serves me, but I'm sure I've read of other people phoning and them being quite happy to sort it out over the phone.  Worst case scenario, you can do it afterwards.  Pay the duty on your shipment and then claim it back from HMRC after.

I'm sorry to hear about your situation, but hopefully things will settle down for you now.

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Sorry to hear about your situation. I am pretty sure on here I have read of people getting their TOR within 48 hours. Ours took 3 weeks but that was the first week of the new system. As @LKC says it is needed for HMRC when you get here. Make your TOR application and then check with the shipping company. Good luck. 

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