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The Long Wait

Simon Povey

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Hey everyone,

So we have applied for our 189 visa in June 2017 and have been anticipating a long wait for visa grant  but after providing further information on two occasions it feels like we are on the shelf and out of the loop. We are coming up to 8 months of waiting in limbo but still very positive that we will be granted eventually and finally make the move. Are any of the Visa departments particularly slow at granting, we are looking to move to QLD? Anyone else stuck in limbo?



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I’m exactly the same, applied 22nd of June 2017, still waiting. They requested further info twice, last being the 15thof November and that request stated final request. Please can you let me know when you guys get your grants through and I shall update you on mine. I just hope it’s next week! The wait and uncertainty is terrible! 

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We submitted our application on 19th May and we’ve just received our grant on Monday. We had 2 requests for further information, the last one being in October. We did send an email too once it had gone over the 8 months but just got an automated response. I’m not sure if it was coincidence but 2 weeks after sending the email we received our grant. It’s still not sunk in. The wait is agony, I feel your frustration but it will come! ?? 

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Hey Monks,

That's great news for you and gives me a bit of hope too, makes me feel like we may only be a few weeks behind you.  We sent an email a few months ago too and got the same automated response now we don't want to  rock the boat so to speak and are just waiting it out. Really good to hear that you have been granted. 

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Thanks guys. 

We are currently living in Australia came over in the 457. It’s almost worse when you are here waiting as the thought of having to leave is terrible! Fingers crossed good news comes soon. It’s my birthday tomorrow and you can guess what I’m wishing for!! 

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