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Help with a Tricky situation


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Hi everyone. Myself my partner and out son are desperate to move to Australia. My partner who has 2 daughters who are Australian residents and live there with the grandkids.

The predicament we are in is that we bought our house on a right to buy with the discount and cannot sell it for another 4 years to get the full market value. I am now 36,my partner is 52 and our son is 9. We dont know where to start. 

My partner is a health care assistant. I don't have a trade . I don't mind going to college and training in something if it would help.i also have some health problems. I am diabetic which is controlled ok but I have had 1 corneal transplant and awaiting another In my other eye then the problem will be fixed. I am worried about the health test. We are mortgage free so we would if needed have the money to pay the full amount in 4 years which I think is 43600 Aud pp. I know this is for adults but how much would it be for our son who would be 13 or 14 when we could go? We really don't know what visa we need or anything we could do in the 4 years we have now to better our chances 

Any help would be welcomed :)

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The cost for your son is small, cannot remember how much but only small. The health issues may be a problem, best to run them past an agent.  That aside, you could wait the 4 years and then apply or apply sooner as the first payment is approx £2500 per adult so if you have that you could lodge it in a year or so based on its taking approx 3 years for the parent visas at the moment.  Assume you pass the balance of family test? If you have to sell your property to pay for the visas are you sure you can comfortably live in Australia? Rent/buy a place etc. There will be no help available such as benefits.  

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Hi many thanks for your advice. My partner has 2 daughters both in Australia and 1 son in jersey. We have 1 son together who lives with us so it's 50/50 balance.

The health is what's bothering me really. Although the condition  I have with my eyes will be fixed I 've I've had the next corneal transplant. The diabetes is well controlled. We can live with one of our daughters to start with and work. We were hoping I could possibly train in something in the 4 years wait and maybe try that way but is it a good idea? We would have some money left over after selling the house and if needed pay to get in the most expensive way but would rather try something that would leave us with enough to buy a house when there. This is a minefield with so many avenues to navigate!

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