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Bridging Visa B Question...help please


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Hello all - hoping someone in the know can help with my question.

I am a British Citizen and have applied for my Partner 820 visa onshore in Australia in June 2017.  I was granted a Bridging Visa B in June 2017 as I needed to return to the UK for family reasons.  The terms on this visa state "must not arrive after 3 November 2017".  I flew back to Australia on 20th October and will remain here for another week before having to go back to the UK again for a few months.  At the moment I am unsure of when I can return to Australia in the near future (may be another six months or so).  My question is can I return to the UK without applying for another bridging visa before leaving Australia and can I apply offshore when I know return dates?

Many thanks in advance.




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Afaik they can only be applied for onshore.

I’d be careful with the time spent apart as that’s quite a long time to be living in different countries. Perhaps discuss any possible implications with an agent? Better to be cautious and know you are ok with the long time away than not. 

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You have to be in Australia to apply for a BVB. And if you come home for too long, be prepafed to answer questions from DIBP as to how you sustained the relationship while you were apart. The expectation is that you are now inAustrlai, as a couple, living together.

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