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Eoi lodged under 190 Victoria Agricultural Consultant


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Hi all, 

My profession is agricultural Consultant and I have lodged my eoi for Victoria under 190 scheme on 6th October 2017. I calmed 60 points with 5 points for state sponsorship. I am a agricultural degree holder and my husband also a mechanical engineer and I claimed partner skills points as well. Could anyone advice me what is my possibility of get an invitation for Victoria under 190? Further I would like to hear from anyone who is in the same boat.

Thanks and regards, 

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It sounds as if you may not have gone about things in the correct manner.  Have you completed English competency testing and had your skills assessed by the correct body?  Those results will determine how many years work experience you can claim, how many points you claims for English, what level your qualification are adjudged to be.  With claiming points for your husband, I believe you can only claim points for them if their occupation is on the same list as the primary applicant (i.e. if you occupation is on short-term list, and theirs in medium-long term then can't claim), and they will need to have had their skills assessed as well by the correct assessment body who will determine if they meet the eligibility requirements.  If you have submitted an EOI without doing the above, I would suggest you withdraw/cancel the EOI and start over because if you've incorrectly claimed points and get invited to apply you will forfeit your visa fee if you can't back up the points claimed.  Equally, if you fail in getting State sponsorship, there is a cooling off period in which are can't resubmit an application for sponsorship.

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Dear ABG, 

Thanks for your reply. I have gone through all of this. Got my skills and work experience assessed from vetasses and got husbands from engineers Australia. Further both of our occupations are in medium and long term list. And both of us completed IELTS. 

So what would you think the possibility  of getting an invitation.

Thank you. 

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That's good to hear.  As you are at the lower range of points, I think it will come down to how well you've written your CV for the Victorian Gov to position your skills and experience and how they will translate for the Victorian market.  I haven't seen many people on here posting about Agri Consultant so competition is going to be lower.  I can see that someone with 60 points without sponsorship (6.0 IELTS, 5 years work experience) was sponsored by Vic, and one with 65 points (8.0 IELTS, 2 years experience) is still awaiting sponsorship after submitting an EOI in July this year.  

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Dear ABG, 

Thank you for your reply. It's like vic expecting more experience. I have 3 years plus. But my husband has 8 plus years. Victoria also sponsored for mechanical engineers, but my husband's IELTS is not enough. Do they get my husband's occupation and experience in to account when taking a decision? 


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I can't speak for what Vic looks for in an applicant and my only experience with them is from when I applied (and received) sponsorship.  I tried to position myself, through my CV, as someone who would bring value and skills to the local economy.  More experience is obviously preferential, but if your experience is valuable then it would be considered favourably.  You can always try different English test to boost your scores - lots of people here have had better results doing the PTE test over IELTS. Also remember, you don't need to do the academic IELTS, only the general one which is probably a bit easier.

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