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Time to Apply! Think we have enough?


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Hi everyone! 

My partner and I are finalizing our application for the 309/100 Partner Visa and I wanted to see what y'all thought of the evidence we've provided! It's been a long and at times exhausting effort, but we feel it will be worth it once we are back in Australia!

First, my girlfriend and I have been in a de facto relationship since March 2016, we have lived together since that time, our dating period was September 2015 until we moved into our own place.

This is the evidence we have provided: 


Address - Sponsor and Applicant: Mail addressed to us individually at our home, one piece from March 2016 and each of our most current piece. 

Birth/Age - Sponsor and Applicant: Birth Certificate

Evidence of Citizenship - Sponsor and Applicant: Australian and Canadian Passport (Respectively)

Identity - Sponsor and Applicant: Canadian Drivers Lisence, Canadian Medical Card

Photograph (Passport) - Sponsor and Applicant - 2x recent passport photos from the sponsor and applicant

Evidence of De Facto Relationship - Sponsor: A brief statement on the history and development of our relationship.

Evidence Couple are Living Together - Applicant: Two lease agreements, mail addressed to both sponsor and applicant at the same address, statement from our landlord saying we have lived there, together, since March 2016.

Evidence of the Relationship - Applicant: Statement regarding the relationship and it's history and development. Photographs of us together, Christmas cards and gifts addressed to both of us from Sponsor's family in Australia. Cards and gifts to each other. 

Evidence of Finances - Applicant: Statement regarding the nature of our finances. Joint bank account statements, purchases coming out of joint back account for social activities.

Evidence of Social Aspects - Applicant: Photos of Joint travel, gym memberships, social activities, concerts, hockey games, family events. Stat decs from family in Canada and Australia. 

Evidence of Couples Commitment - Statement from Applicant and Sponsor: Evidence showing Applicant has made Sponsor beneficiary for life insurance, will executor and emergency contact. 

Evidence of Household - Applicant: Statement regarding how housework, care for the children is split up between Applicant and Sponsor, how each is supportive emotionally and financially. 

Evidence of the length of the de facto relationship - Applicant: Statement and copies of the leases we have shared together. 

Evidence of Character - Sponsor and Applicant: AFP check (Sponsor), RCMP check (Applicant and Sponsor)

Travel Document - Sponsor and Applicant: Passport

Evidence of Health: Not until requested. 


I hope I got everything. Let me know what you think! Maybe we can bounce some ideas off each other! Thanks! 


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