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New to Kellyville Ridge


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I have recently moved to the Kellyville Ridge area with my husband and two children, aged 5 and 5 months. I am keen to meet any other mum's with children in the local and surrounding areas who have survived the move from the UK for a chat and coffee. Feeling a bit isolated and could do with some adult company here and there. 





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If your 5 yr old is at school or kindy ,try handing up some notes to other kids and arrange a play date at yours. Having younger kids is a massive help in meeting people, some of my now closest friends i met at a play date when my now teen was in kindy.

Cal x

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I lived in West Pennant Hills and seem to remember an ex-pat group that meet regularly in each others homes but cannot remember how I found them although this link is  also good for meeting people : https://www.meetup.com/cities/au/sydney/social/

The library is another good source of information for meeting up and social events, there is a good one at Castle Hill and one at Rouse Hill, although I never used the Rouse Hill one.  Meeting other mums through the kids is always a surefire way to make friends.  


Good Luck

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