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Training requirements on 186 TRT


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So the situation is I'm applying for PR 186 on TRT. There is an issue with the training requirement. So when we applied for my 457, my employer was studying for an accounting degree and that qualified to meet the training Australians requirement.


Now, 3 years into my 457, my employer is still studying and my new agent tells us that this will not count towards the training requirement as she is on the board of directors for the business. They are in the situation of having to pay the % of annual income instead. When applying for the 457, she was also on the board of directors.


I'm looking for another opinion on this as we can't understand why it doesn't count now.






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As the law stated,

Expenditure that cannot count towards this benchmark includes:


(c)    training undertaken by persons who are principals in the business or their family members;

does this mean the principals cant be the trainer or trainee? Thanks


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Training undertaken by principals in the business of their family members

Training undertaken by persons who are principals in the business, or their family members, is excluded as per the new instrument (IMMI 17/045).

It has been brought to attention that there is a slight difference in how the instrument and PI are worded. Work is in progress to update the subclass 457 Sponsorships PI accordingly.

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