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English tests


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Hi All,

I understand that you can do the IELTS and Pearsons tests and that you need to achieve certain scores.


I need to book a test in and was wondering if people would share their opinions on which of the 2 they prefer?





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I have sat both and much prefer the PTE over IELTS. They're both very different exams. PTE is computer based, IELTS is paper based. How many points do you need for your visa? To gain 20 points;

IELTS 8+ in all 4 components

PTE 79+ in all 4 components

PTE seems to be a much more successful exam in gaining more points for many people. Both exams require very different revision also.

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Thanks for the info.

 I would need 20 to be in the best position.

I have read up that with the PTE one you are doing the speaking/talking on the computer - is that a bit strange? Is it disruptive of you are in a room with others doing the test?

How long do they both take to get results back?


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I Decided to go with PTE for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, I cannot write very quickly, at least, not that anyone would be able to read, myself included, I can however type reasonably quickly. Following on from this, I will very often make many spelling and grammar mistakes when typing or writing quickly, being able to correct these on a computer is far better as it isn't known, whereas crossing out etc in writing would look a mess.

My second reason is my lack of concentration, or perhaps ability to memorise what I have just read, In IELTS there are very long passages to read, in PTE they are far shorter, this was an advantage for me.

Being English, I was never concerned about the speaking or listening parts in either exam, so I concentrated on my reading and writing, rather than wasting time practicing areas I didn't need to.

I'm a tradesman with trade qualifications, never been to uni, the PTE is scored out of 90 in each area, I managed 90 in all but writing where I managed 87, I did spend a month prior practicing to learn the format more than anything else, I wouldn't say it is easy, but its certainly achievable to score 79+ if you put a little time in.

For me personally, the PTE seemed better, but I never tried IELTS, only a couple of mock tests.



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11 minutes ago, JH_2017 said:

Thanks for the info.

 I would need 20 to be in the best position.

I have read up that with the PTE one you are doing the speaking/talking on the computer - is that a bit strange? Is it disruptive of you are in a room with others doing the test?

How long do they both take to get results back?


PTE I got results back on a Tuesday, completed the exam the Friday before, i know IELTS is longer.


The other speaking is slightly distracting, practice at home without finding a quiet corner, get used to noise, in the exam, hold back until others start to speak first so you can adjust to it.

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