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help needed from holiday working to 186 visa

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im currently near the end of my holiday working visa (28th july) i want to stay in australia permanently and need some advice on if its possible to apply for a 186 visa now without having to leave at the end of the month.

I work for a company who is happy to sponsor me on a 457 visa however i have a bachelors in physical education and im working as a swim instructor (which is on the new 2017 skills list)

so instead of going through th long process of a 457 is it possible to get a bridging visa while applying for the 186?

any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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In theory yes. However, you won't be able to apply by the end of the month as for a 186 you would need a skills assessment. This takes longer than you have left to get. 

I also doubt you will be able to lodge a 457 application by then. I would speak to a good registered migration agent about this though and any options. 

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