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Online Application Documents -820/801


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Colour scans don't need to be certified. Black and white copies will need to be certified.

I would be wary entering Aus on a tourist visa carrying all your documents and evidence. 

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I would be wary entering Aus on a tourist visa carrying all your documents and evidence.

or any of it, even on an electronic device.

Before the end of July, there are expected to be new partner sponsorship rules in place.


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@Naomi86 There have been some stories floating around of a change in rules in July. I heard 1 July the rules are going to change. This doesn't surprise me since the 457 visa was overhauled recently. Now, it might be nothing to worry about and the Partner visa rule changes might be minor or not a problem for your circumstances. However, typically, these changes worry people who are about to apply. This is why my partner and I applied before July. I would recommend you do the same if at all possible, or consider applying out of country where processing times are shorter anyway.


Saying all that, your circumstances might not enable that. For my partner and I, it wasn't really feasible for us to apply out of country, since we were on a sabbatical and constantly travelling around before our arrival in Australia to apply for our visa.


Don't worry about getting documents stamped and certified and certainly not outside of Australia. You can get that all done when you arrive in Australia fairly easily. There are JP services everywhere. You don't really need anything certified or witnessed apart from the Form 888 Statutory Declarations from your 2 Australian Citizens/Residents. The Case Officer can of course ask for certified copies of originals at a later stage if they deem it necessary.


As the others have stated, be a little careful with bringing documents etc with you. If you are entering as a tourist, you are meant to be a tourist, not applying for jobs or visas. :) Basically, don't do anything to raise suspicion. Of course, if this advice makes you nervous and act strangely and more suspicious, then it's not very helpful either. For what it's worth, we brought a small file with a few documents on us and had no problems, of course, if you can, give the documents to the Australian resident. You can save some digital documents in the cloud and you can always post yourself some documents later if needed. We actually didn't need that many physical documents. A lot of bills and bank statements etc are online these days.

Good luck!

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