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Skilled 189 - UK NVQ3 Question


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Hi all. 

I am looking at the skilled independent visa 189 as a way in to Australia with my partner and 1 year old. Im 26. I have looked at numerous websites plus tonnes of posts on this forum but cannot find an exact answer that would solve my problem.

I am trained to UK standard to a NVQ level 3 in Mechanical Engineering. However, i have only ever worked in the lift industry since leaving school. (left July 2007)

I worked for one firm who i done an accredited apprenticeship in mechanical engineering with and gained all my qualifications from. I then left them to work for another lift installation firm who are putting me through NVQ Level 3 in Lift Installation.

I consider myself a lift mechanic in the UK, but i understand the Australian Immigration will not because i do not have the Lift Mechanic level 3, only the mechanical engineering.

My question is; Do i have to go down the Mechanical engineering route, or do i somehow explain my position regarding my exisiting qualification but it is in the lift industry.

Sorry if it sounds confusing! I cant put it into words how i'd like to.

Any info appreciated.

EDIT: I've also seen on websites the Australian equivalent to the UK NVQ 3 is not sufficient enough, but then seen some people say the assessors may want to see more documentation. Any info would help on that subject also.


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