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Entering Australia mid Year 11


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My 16 year old daughter arrives in Melbourne in 2 months time after completing her 10 exams GCSE's in the UK and will enter into the middle of year 11 at our local school.

Looking at the Victorian education board website it appears to be that she will only need to pass half her GCSE to be considered having reached the equivalent of full year 11 results. Does anyone know how the comparison assessment would link into ATAR scores as my daughter would like to study Physio therapy and this would require good ATAR scoring. In addition she will have GCSE Spanish and I understand that language skills are beneficial to ATAR scoring. 

The alternative option is for her to go into year 10 and start the VCE in Jan 2018, however she is fairly mature for a 16 year old and has outgrown a number of our present school peers which means I feel that would almost be worse for her adjusting socially.  



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It's a risk - you never know how they are going to compute comparisons. Best to put her into year 10 then let her start year 11 in 2018.  Some schools do start doing VCE courses in year 10, I vaguely recall my niece did that

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