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Returning to the UK from Melbourne after 20 years


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Hi there, I came to Australia in 1996 as a humble backpacker, fell in love with an Australian (I know, who'd have thought!) and now have a son, career and mortgage.  I've been back the UK for the first time just recently to visit my, now elderly, parents.  I now want to return to the UK full time with my family and have already had some interest from a number of companies, so work isn't going to be an issue.  My main area of concern is making sure that I have everything in place in order to make this happen sooner rather than later.  Any advice on the following subjects and any other areas I haven't listed would be gratefully received;

* spouse & child visas

* packing and shipping costs for a house full

* house equity fund transfers etc.

Also, we have a child with Aspergers Syndrome & ADHD who will need schooling & support etc. so govt. support/allowance info too

Edited by PaulGurnett
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Your child should be eligible for a U.K. passport so a visa won't be needed. Spouse visa is another matter. Do your homework on that as it may be a stumbling block or slow the process down.

Re the support for your child, much will depend on the area you reside in and what is available. It varies depending on local authorities, councils and budgets. Specialist schools need research as again, depending on area and your child you may find options, you may not. You may find your child goes in a mainstream school with extra support. What level this is will again depend on area, school and budget. 

Good luck with it all :) 

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1 hour ago, PaulGurnett said:

Hi there, I came to Australia in 1996 as a humble backpacker, fell in love with an Australian (I know, who'd have thought!) and now have a son, career and mortgage.  I've been back the UK for the first time just recently to visit my, now elderly, parents.  I now want to return to the UK full time with my family and have already had some interest from a number of companies, so work isn't going to be an issue.  My main area of concern is making sure that I have everything in place in order to make this happen sooner rather than later.  Any advice on the following subjects and any other areas I haven't listed would be gratefully received;

* spouse & child visas

* packing and shipping costs for a house full

* house equity fund transfers etc.

Also, we have a child with Aspergers Syndrome & ADHD who will need schooling & support etc. so govt. support/allowance info too

There are considerable financial requirements for a Spouse Visa, either from income, savings, or a combination of both. And it must be applied for offshore.


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Support for ASD/ADHD will depend on your child's needs. With a confirmed diagnosis, you will need to contact the SEND team in the area you are looking at via the local council and ask for information on schools and support available. Most local councils have a website called the Local Offer, which will give you all the info you need. Depending on your child's level of need you may need to apply for a EHCP (used to be called a statement of educational need but all changed in 2014) which may give your child additional support 1:1 in school. Some areas now have special schools for children with more severe ADHD, or ASD and some children obviously need fulltime special school. 

Some children can get DLA but it's hit or miss and actually lots of kids with special needs aren't eligible now. Again, there is a huge amount of paperwork, so bring any stuff you ave from Oz. You will need your GP to refer you into the ASD and ADHD team of CAMHS neuro in your local area.


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Realised a few abbreviations you might not understand,

DLA -disability living allowance. A benefit to support carers of people who require support with activities of daily living like washing and dressing, and toileting and so on. 

Camhs neuro -the neurodevelopmental disorders part of the children and adolescent mental health service. Covers all neuro disorders including all autism and ADHD conditions. 


Ehcp -education and health care plan. Supporting children with special needs and disabilities in school.

send -special educational needs and disability team

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