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Removing the Children from the UK schooling system who do we tell??


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When we take our children out of school when we leave for Oz should we notify anyone that they will no longer be in the UK?


Not wanting any government departments coming after us for the children not being in school in the UK


Currently the children are in an Independent school not State run. Just wondered what everyone else did as it was something i thought about today

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We just informed the school and same when we left Australia.


If you get Child Benefit you will need to advise the agency that

desls with that (sorry started typing and realised I don't know!)

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We just informed the school and same when we left Australia.


If you get Child Benefit you will need to advise the agency that

desls with that (sorry started typing and realised I don't know!)


Thanks I knew about the Child Benefit Agency but started wondering who we notified after a conversation with friends today who were considering home schooling. With all the bad press about unauthorised absences in UK schools i had a panic about being in trouble.


Just to confirm they will be attending school in Oz and i certainly have no intention of home schooling lol i couldn't cope with having them all day every day lol

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