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Cleaning & beauty products


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Hello again


Another question I'm afraid & this one may seem silly but this is the stuff going round and round in my head at the moment!


When shipping to Oz, is there a limit to how much you can take?

Im basically thinking ahead...Im thinking of taking a box full of the cleaning products & toiletries we use here, just so when we're in Oz I won't have to buy it all when we're starting out.


You might think I'm mad but every little helps right? Lol.


Anyone else done or thinking the same?


Many thanks



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Technically if something is less than a year old you need to pay import tax and multiple quantities of the same item would certainly arouse suspicion. If you declare it though I'm not aware there is a limit.


I personally wouldn't bother - unless you are shipping 3 months before you leave then you'll

need to buy all this stuff before your container arrives anyway.


The container will go thorough extreme conditions and I wouldn't risk bottles breaking open and ruining other items.


Cleaning products and toiletries aren't particularly more expensive in Australia anyway. Of course if you have a favourite shampoo or shower gel etc. then just take it in your hols luggage as you would on holiday as it takes a while to get used to new brands.

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I brought a plastic box full of toiletries, kids eczma cream etc, it was ,mainly so i didnt run out the first week or two trying to find equivalents. I agree with the above though ,everything is available here some as brands we know, some equivalents so don;t go too over the top.


Cal x

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