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Query RSMS (489) Southern Inland, NSW


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I am an experienced professional who has around 7 years of experience in telecom engineering. My points distribution is as follows


Age 30 points

English : 10 points

Skills Assessment: 15 points

Regional sponsorship: 10 points

Total:65 points


I have submitted the both the EOIs (SKILLSELECT as well as of State Sponsored Migration at Regional Development Australia website), please note that I have not included experience points here as my employer has problem in issuing me the experience letter, but somehow I am exceeding the points threshold.


could anyone tell me that what are my chances for receiving an invitation from Regional Development Australia in view the aforementioned points score.


OR if someone could recommend me to apply for any other Permanent Residence/Temporary Residence visa category through which I can easily obtain working/living rights in Australia


Thanking you in advance :)

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