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Customs - returning after 6 months


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We are returning back to the UK after 6 months due to serious health issues with a family member back in the UK.

I need advise as we moved all our goods over with us including my husbands tools. All the tools have the EU stamp on them that proves they were brought in the UK originally but I have to declare these on the customs form along with the price paid and how long they have belonged to my husband. He has only purchased one item of tools from AU and will declare this on the form.

I need advise on if they will try to add tax to the tools purchased in the UK if we cannot proof that they were brought there?



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Hi, sorry to hear about your relative.


My husband is a mechanic and I have been looking into this, from what I can find you don't have to pay import tax if you have had your permenant home outside the EU for 12 months and are moving your permenant home back to the UK, and have owned the goods for more than 6 months and paid tax/VAT in the country of purchase. You have to arrive in the country before your goods, and keep them for 12 months once they arrive back in the U.K.


My husband owned most of his tools in the UK and brought them with him to Australia.


Do you still have the shipping list from when you moved here? That would at least prove that you brought them in the UK.


Good luck with the move.

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