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To do list help.... 7 weeks to go


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So it's all coming together. Formal job offer in Queensland, flights booked and notice given to employer... 7 weeks til we will be in oz!


im feeling a little bit overwhelmed with everything we have to do and will be working full time until we go.


if anyone can share to do lists I would be so grateful and would save us time.


does anyone have a list of people we need to notify that we are moving abroad?


lisa xxx

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Its the common sense stuff. And as has been said, there are loads of threads on the forum with ideas for this.


I'd sit down with all your bills and paperwork, make a list of all the payments, DD's etc and start reading the blurb or calling them to find out when you can officially give notice to tie in with when you leave. For example, car insurance you may have to wait till the car is sold or the day you leave and no longer are using it. TV licence and phone/internet you can notify before and give them the date you want it to end.


Same with doctors, dentist (not removing yourself from their lists means other people on wait lists to join them don't get a place), schools, family and friends etc.

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